Questnet Update: Week of April 27

April Challenge Winners, Prepping for May, Roadmaps and more

Anne Fauvre-Willis
Oasis Foundation
Published in
3 min readMay 2, 2020


Hi All —

Excited to announce the winners of the April Challenge! Big congrats to our winners and thanks to all for participating! More on this, future challenges, roadmaps and more below…

Also if you haven’t done so yet, please sign up for our weekly newsletter which includes all the info below as well as other regular updates on network health, upcoming key dates, etc.

April Challenge Winners 🎉🎉🎉

Huge congratulations to Chad coming in first place! And congrats to all our winners! Top 10 winners below and full list here.

As this monthly competition ends I also wanted to highlight a few things I found particularly exciting:

  • Really close til the end: The top 25 teams are only 400 points apart. That’s a lot of availability!
  • Super fast upgrades: We did 1 upgrade during the competition and it only took 45 minutes! That’s the second upgrade we’ve done in less than an hour and bodes really well for the reliability of the network long-term. Awesome work!
  • Underdogs with a late surge: Both Bharat and Wolfedge came all the way from 26th place in early April to make it into the top 10. Well done to both for finding a way to edge out the competition.
  • Attacks: In addition to availability, we saw more attacks during April. Will be very cool to see who the winners are in this mass Quest challenge!

When does the next contest start? This will kick off May 11 with an upgrade!

In order to prepare for the May challenge, we’re planning to do an upgrade on Monday, May 11 at 9am PST.

Key dates to keep in mind

  • May 7: We plan to share the new availability formula
  • May 11: May competition starts at 9am PST (with a network upgrade)
  • June 5: Competition ends (11:59pm UTC)

Note attacks are also always fair game!

What comes after May?

I know many are eager to hear a bit more about our roadmap post the May competition. Just letting you know we hear you and should be able to share a lot more in the next few weeks! Lots of exciting things on the horizon so be on the lookout!

Data and privacy in the time of COVID

With so much discussion of how to best capture and analyze data related to the COVID pandemic, we think it’s important that privacy and data privacy considerations remain at the forefront. We wanted to share a few recent pieces we’ve worked on.

Developers on the Oasis Network

Through a number of different programs including the DevAccelerator program and the Grants Program we’ve seen a ton of really interesting projects in development. You can see those highlighted in our latest Developer Spotlight series including some new pieces on:

We’ll have more of these as well as profiles of grants and many of you coming up soon!

As always, thanks and excited to continue our work together!



Anne Fauvre-Willis
Oasis Foundation

@OasisLabs and contributor to the #OasisProtocol; former Apple / iPhone product marketer & Madeleine K. Albright staffer