Questnet Weekly Update: Week of May 26

May competition, Questnet Closing Ceremonies on the horizon and more

Anne Fauvre-Willis
Oasis Foundation
Published in
2 min readMay 29, 2020


Hi All —

As the competition comes to an end (it ends on June 4 at 11:59pm UTC) we’re narrowing in on a few leaders and are now down to…a 27 way tie!

A few updates below…

Questnet Closing Ceremonies and what’s next!

The end of the Questnet (as well as the May competition) will be June 4 at 11:59pm UTC. So, now is the time to run any more attacks or submit the ones you’ve already done. We will announce all winners (including community contributors, attacks, etc) the following week!

In addition, we will have some news to share on what comes post-Questnet early next week so please be on the lookout for details and next steps! We have been really pleased to see how stable the network has been and that gives us confidence about what comes next :).

May Competition Leaderboard

Down to a small 27-way tie with many just right behind (below in backwards alph-order, you’re welcome Wolfedge)! Now’s the time to pull-ahead! Full leaderboard here too.

REMINDER: Please File Issues

We get great feedback, questions, etc in slack and we try to answer them as quickly as possible. We will keep doing that but we’d ask that you please file issues you see to our repo as well. This will help us better triage and prioritize (and prevent ME from being the bottleneck of your feedback).

Community Spotlights

New Community Spotlight this week on RockX. Thank you for all the help you guys have provided along the way!

As always, thank you for your continued commitment to the Oasis Network!




Anne Fauvre-Willis
Oasis Foundation

@OasisLabs and contributor to the #OasisProtocol; former Apple / iPhone product marketer & Madeleine K. Albright staffer