The Biggest University Program on a Layer 1 Network Just Launched on the Oasis Network

Oasis Foundation partners with over 25 top universities and university clubs from Cambridge, Oxford, and Berkeley to further enable its mission of building a responsible data economy.

Oasis Network
Oasis Foundation
Published in
4 min readAug 13, 2020


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We are thrilled to announce the inaugural University program on the Oasis Network, and the largest University program on a Layer 1 blockchain network to date. With over 25 founding members, the Oasis Network will have an active pool of passionate University teams helping to support the network, run nodes, and further our vision for a better, more responsible data economy. This is a testament to their commitment to the goals and vision of the Network and the community more broadly.

By fostering a community of node operators that include members from the world’s top universities, the Oasis Network is helping ensure that it will have a best-in-class validator pool and a top-tier community active on the network at Mainnet. This marks an important milestone in the Oasis Network’s path towards Mainnet and the broad community of support behind growing the network and realizing its mission.

If you’re interested in applying for the program as well, sign up here.

Inaugural University Program Members

The over 25 founding University Program Members include top computer science programs and clubs from over 5 continents including:

  • University of Aberdeen AI and Crypto Club
  • Australian National University (ANU) Blockchain Club
  • Blockchain at Berkeley
  • Cambridge University Blockchain Society
  • University of Cape Town Cryptocurrencies Club
  • Cornell Blockchain
  • Frankfurt School Blockchain Center
  • Imperial College Blockchain-Crypto Technologies Society
  • King’s College London (KCL) Blockchain Society
  • London School of Economics (LSE) Blockchain Society
  • London Blockchain Labs/UCL Blockchain Society
  • University of Lausanne Blockchain Society
  • University of Leeds Blockchain Society
  • Centre for Distributed Ledger Technologies, University of Malta
  • Oxford University Blockchain Society
  • University of San Francisco Department of Computer Science
  • University of Technology Sydney Fintech Club
  • University of Sydney (UYSD) Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Society
  • Student Association of Digital Finance, Tsinghua University
  • University of Washington Blockchain Club
  • Academy of Internet Finance, Zhejiang University
  • Bison Trails (Infrastructure Provider)
  • Blockdaemon (Infrastructure Provider)
  • En[code] Club (Infrastructure Provider)
  • Simply VC (Infrastructure Provider)

As active members of the Oasis ecosystem, university program members will build apps, run validators, and engage in governance on the Oasis Network. The program provides technical support, tutorials to student participants, and provides them with a direct funnel to new jobs, internship and research opportunities at Oasis and across the Oasis ecosystem.

With many universities actively engaged in the Oasis Network development today, the University Program has proven a great way to expand the validator pool for the network with high-quality participants and to focus top-tier thinkers, researchers, and academics on furthering the growth of the Oasis Network . In addition to participating in the Network itself, universities will have the opportunity to foster the development of a broad and substantive ecosystem focused on building a responsible data economy.

Infrastructure Partners

In an effort to connect universities with other members and experts within the Oasis Network ecosystem, the Oasis Foundation has partnered with a number of infrastructure and community partners, like Bison Trails, to work with universities to provide technical and staking support. Support from infrastructure and community partners include Bison Trails, Blockdaemon, En[code] Club, and Simply VC, who will work with universities to provide technical and staking support as needed.

Get involved and Apply for the University Program today!

If you’re passionate about data privacy or curious about blockchain, we invite you to sign up for the Oasis University Program today. As a member you’ll receive full support from the community. The program will help get your node running, provide tokens for staking, connect you with real-time technical support from the community, and more.

We’d love to have you on board! Sign up here



Oasis Network
Oasis Foundation

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