Developer Spotlight:

A highlight of some of the projects being built on the Oasis network today.

Anne Fauvre-Willis
Oasis Labs
Published in
3 min readJul 29, 2019


It’s been great to see the work developers are doing on the Oasis network to date. We’re starting a new blog series “Developer Spotlight” to highlight some of this great work with everyone in our community. Our goal is to bring more emphasis and focus on developers we love that are taking advantage of the network.

We’re kicking this off with Daniel Uribe and the work of It’s been great to see his vision turn into a product. You learn more below about what he’s been up to and how you can get involved!

Tell us a little bit about yourself

I’m Daniel Uribe, Serial Entrepreneur, CEO & Co Founder of, Bs Electronics & Telecom, MBA, EP Stanford GSB, SingularityU, Programming Blockchain with Jimmy Song. My background is +17 Years in Cybersecurity, +4 Years in Blockchain, Bioinformatics & Data Privacy. Happy Husband and Father of 4.

And a bit about your project? was inspired by my youngest boy who has a mutation in his 17th Chromosome that is expressed as a deficiency of his platelets to produce clots. I realized that there was not a private, encrypted and decentralized application to store and process his biodata with privacy and I decided to create an alternative to all the commercial Direct to Consumer test kits that currently aggregate and commercialize user data with a very “broad” consent.

Genobank is a decentralized Wallet that allows users to purchase Saliva (or any biospecimen) DNA/RNA/Microbiome extraction kits, select different CLIA Certified Laboratories Sequencing Services and most importantly, to have a unique, personal (private) digital repository to store and process their “multi-omics” data with confidence & anonymity.

A snapshot of and how it works

When and why did you first get excited about blockchain technology?

In 2015 during the Exec Program at Singularity University I learned about Bitcoin, a week later I bought my first BTCs under 200 USD each, invested in more than +40 companies and ICOs and founded in May 2018 to enable users to establish ownership and control of their bio data.

What made you interested in building on the Oasis network?

As Professor Dawn Song said, 2019 is the year of Digital Privacy and Oasis Labs is creating an amazing decentralized cloud infrastructure that allows developers to create “privacy by design” Web 3.0 applications such as where users can own and control their Genomic Data in a P2P transaction mode. We’re very excited to be one of the first companies to enable users to explore the Genomic Revolution without privacy concerns.

Any big milestones coming up for your project that our readers should know about?

We recently received our non-provisional utility patent pending for our Decentralized Incognito DNA Wallet and we’re very excited about finding the best blockchain based infrastructure to build it. We’re confident that Oasis Labs is a natural fit.

How can others try out your product? Learn more about what you’re up to?

Please join our Beta Program at and we’ll be more than happy to connect you with the best in class CLIA Certified Labs in a private and encrypted environment provided by Oasis Labs.

For more info on Oasis Labs go to or email us at



Anne Fauvre-Willis
Oasis Labs

@OasisLabs and contributor to the #OasisProtocol; former Apple / iPhone product marketer & Madeleine K. Albright staffer