Introducing Oasis Labs

The Oasis Labs Team
Oasis Labs
Published in
3 min readAug 7, 2018

July 9, 2018

Today, we are excited to announce the launch of Oasis Labs! As a team with deep roots in academia and extensive experience in entrepreneurship and bringing cutting-edge research technology to practice, we are thrilled to embark on a journey together with our community to bring to the world a new computing paradigm. We are building a new computing platform that enables cloud-scale, real-world applications with decentralized trust and privacy protection; in short, a privacy-first, high-performance cloud computing platform on blockchain.

With its unique combination of capabilities, our platform aims to enable true innovations and new applications that could not be built before. It is designed to help users leverage and reclaim control of their data, and enable frictionless collaboration between mutually distrusting parties for greater societal good–all without relying on any central party.

Oasis Technology

Our technology offers a set of unique capabilities:

  • Privacy-preserving smart contracts: providing codified and self-enforceable privacy protection without relying on any central party. In our platform, privacy is built into each layer of the stack, from the application all the way down to hardware.
  • High-performance for real-world complex applications. We strongly believe that scalability is more than just high payment transaction throughput: a blockchain for real-world use must scale to complex application workloads such as machine learning. Our platform achieves scalability and integrity with its novel architecture and protocol design, without relying on any trusted hardware or central party.
  • Rich programming framework support such as privacy-preserving machine learning within smart contracts on our platform.

The Oasis technology has been inspired by the team’s decades of research experience and industry collaboration, including recent work on:

  • The open source differential privacy project in collaboration with Uber to protect the privacy of sensitive data while simultaneously enabling data analytics.
  • The open source keystone project in collaboration with research groups at MIT and UC Berkeley to develop open source secure hardware.
  • The research paper on Ekiden: A Platform for Confidentiality-Preserving, Trustworthy, and Performant Smart Contract Execution.

In the coming weeks, we plan to release a series of blogs and research papers explaining our technology in more detail–stay tuned!


The Oasis team is led by CEO Dawn Song, a MacArthur Fellow, Professor of Computer Science at University of California, Berkeley, and ranked as the most cited scholar in computer security. Our founding team has founded three successful startups prior, focused on security and deep learning. Our team includes top talent from UC Berkeley, MIT, Stanford, University of Washington, Cornell, Google and other premier institutions. We are growing fast and look forward to having new members join us.

Supporters & Community

We are undertaking an ambitious project. We are grateful to have a number of strong supporters who share our vision and believe in us, including a16zcrypto, Accel, Amino Capital, Arrington XRP Capital, Binance Labs, Bitmain, BlockAsset, BlockTower, Chainfund, Cota Capital, Dekrypt Capital, DCVC (Data Collective), Electric Capital, FBG, Foundation Capital, Gaorong, Hashed, Huobi Capital, Lux Capital, Metastable, NEO Global Capital, Pantera, Polychain, The House Fund, and many others. We are also grateful to the broader community for their support and excitement about our project, and look forward to building a vibrant community together.

Join Our Private Testnet

We’ve already been hard at work developing our platform. Today we are opening our application process for developers to join our private testnet–we can’t wait to show you what we’ve been building and learn from your feedback.

We are thrilled to have you join us at the start of this exciting journey! Follow @OasisLabs on Twitter or sign up for our mailing list.

For further information about Oasis Labs, please contact us at

