Sign up to join our hackathon with IDEO and Coinlist!

Build applications on Oasis focused on making blockchain and crypto more accessible and win. Over $25K in prizes available.

Anne Fauvre-Willis
Oasis Labs
Published in
4 min readJul 25, 2019


Today we’re launching an all-new hackathon with IDEO and Coinlist to encourage developers to develop and build apps that make blockchain technologies more accessible and easier to use and adopt. This is a part of a broader partnership with IDEO and their new Startup Studio Program to help accelerate the world’s best blockchain entrepreneurs and startups. Other protocols participating in the hackathon include Ethereum, Stellar, Tezos, and Near.

This is particularly exciting for us at Oasis because making blockchain technology — and the apps that run on our platform — more accessible to more users is a core tenant and focus of our team’s mission and product goals. This starts with improving core technology such as scabablity and privacy, but means we must also support the development of tools, applications, and features that make blockchain more accessible too. This hackathon is a great step to do this.

To sign up for the hackathon click here.

To learn more about building on the Oasis platform, we’ll also host a workshop prior to the start of the hackathon on Thursday, August 1 at 10:00am PT.

To register for the workshop click here

More details on hackathon prizes, challenges, and how to get started from IDEO below.

The online hackathon will run from August 5th through September 22nd, with one important twist: teams will be expected to ship a functional version of their project by September 9th and spend the last ~2 weeks getting adoption and demonstrating traction.

The challenge

The goal of this hackathon is to help encourage and support the development of apps that make blockchain more accessible. Teams are welcome to focus on any area they like — from finance to gaming, social media to marketplaces or otherwise.

Below are three categories we’re looking to get submissions in.

1. Things that Radically Simplify the User Experiences

How might we radically simplify the end-user experience to make it easier and/or more familiar to use crypto-networks? Can we better design for existing user behaviors and interactions? Can we reduce the number of clicks, decrease wait times, find novel “single player modes,” or design other ways to make the user experience 10x better than today, without relying on fully custodial models?

Examples might include: send crypto to a friend’s social media or email address, Eth2-style; use crypto to autofill a virtual card at checkout; exchange a single crypto asset to supply liquidity to any Uniswap market.

2. Things that Bring People into Crypto

How might we onboard more people into the crypto ecosystem? Can we design new products that are 10x better in terms of performance, cost, or experience that make it a “no-brainer” to adopt crypto-native networks and services? What creative growth hacks (in the product or how it’s marketed), games, and incentives will bring the next million users into crypto?

Examples might include: cross-border micropayments for Mechanical Turk-type work that can be done on mobile devices; lend digital game items or cards secured by crypto collateral; a remittance-focused mobile interface for LocalBitcoins or similar peer-to-peer exchange services.

3. Things that Bring Crypto to People

How might we bring crypto to more people by integrating into the experiences, channels, and places they already visit, like YouTube, Twitch, Reddit, etc.? Can we seamlessly design crypto into and/or alongside existing user experiences — in ways that add value or new functionality? Can we design bridges from existing centralized services to decentralized ones?

Examples might include: an extension for viewers to tip streamers; tools for streamers to gift cryptocollectibles to fans; collectible trophies for posts that reach the top of a Subreddit; automated payments to high-follower accounts that upvote/Like/Retweet a piece of content.


Prizes for the top teams include a mix of both financial rewards and mentorship and support from both IDEO and Oasis.

Grand Prize (1)

  • $10,000
  • Invitation to become an IDEO CoLab Resident and spend 2 months at IDEO CoLab in either San Francisco or Boston
  • Invitation to attend and demo at IDEO Blueprint 2019, IDEO’s annual innovation conference in San Francisco in October 2019

Runner-Up (1)

  • $5,000
  • Invitation to attend and demo at IDEO Blueprint 2019, IDEO’s annual innovation conference in San Francisco in October 2019

Best Oasis project (if not one of the top two winners)

  • $2,000
  • Invitation to become an Oasis Labs Resident in San Francisco — including platform credits and being featured in Oasis’ Genesis Block

Timeline and Key Dates

  • Thursday, July 25 — Hackathon announcement
  • Monday, August 5 — Hackathon starts
  • Monday, September 9 — Adoptathon starts
  • Sunday, September 22 — Hackathon and Adoptathon ends

Getting started

To get started, you can learn more about Oasis, how our platform works, and more through the links below:

For more info on Oasis email us at or go to



Anne Fauvre-Willis
Oasis Labs

@OasisLabs and contributor to the #OasisProtocol; former Apple / iPhone product marketer & Madeleine K. Albright staffer