Dear Mr. and Mrs. Obama: Thank You for Making ‘Smart’ Sexy!

Obama Alumni
Published in
6 min readDec 19, 2016

By David Johns

There is something unique that happens when I am in a room filled with people of all races and ethnicities, socio-economic status, sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions, or disabilities and proudly say —

“On behalf of our President Barack Hussein Obama, our First Lady Michelle Robinson Obama, and my colleagues throughout the federal government, I thank you for supporting the learning and development of African American students.

The Obama effect, as some researchers are formally calling it, is especially apparent when I am in community with young people. Black children, in particular, sit up a little taller, smile warmly with glittering eyes, and lean in whenever I talk about the efforts of the First Family to support their learning and to provide greater access to opportunity.

For youth who have grown up with a Black president, the image of an American president will never be the same. And unlike any other time I can recall, our first family has managed to make education cool.

From the very beginning, President Obama has championed the importance of a high quality education. With stellar academic careers at Columbia University (my alma mater, Roar Lions Roar), and Harvard Law School, President Obama firmly believes in the power of a quality education. His stance on education has remained consistent: If our nation makes the investment in education, children will have greater opportunities to compete in a global market and lead happy and productive lives.

To achieve this goal, President Obama established The White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans, the initiative I have the humble distinction of leading. The Initiative was established to be intentional and unapologetic in working to close the opportunity and achievement gaps that often serve as barriers to success for African American students of all ages.

In addition to championing and supporting President Obama’s priorities, our work has included increasing access to high quality early care and education programs that accelerate post-secondary success, especially for students from historically under-represented and under-served communities. We have worked to buttress his efforts to improve access to and success in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics courses and careers, and support efforts to ensure that all students are supported including through the establishment of AfAmWomenLead. In addition to supporting the President’s policy priorities, the Initiative works to re-frame positive, asset-based narratives about African American students, families and communities. It highlights research and practices that have been proven to support the cognitive, social and emotional development of African American students of all ages and give students a platform of recommendations to ensure they thrive.

President Obama’s impact has also inspired millions of proud graduates. I have had the pleasure of being the commencement speaker at numerous commencements and the Obama effect is overwhelmingly palpable at graduations. At these momentous occasions, President Obama often recalls his own journey from law student to community activist to Senator and encourages students to plan their visions of success with others in mind:

“To make sure everyone has a voice, and everybody gets a seat at the table; that everybody, no matter what you look like or where you come from, what your last name is — it doesn’t matter, everybody gets a chance to walk through those doors of opportunity if they are willing to work hard enough.

To expand college access and improve affordability for all, the President has increased funding provided to post-secondary institutions including specific funding to Historically Black Colleges and Universities as well as through innovative grant’s such as First In The World, which supported post-secondary institutions in doing the work required to recruit, retain and successfully graduate students from communities that have historically had challenges successfully completing post-secondary programs of value. In addition, the President and this administration have simplified the process of completing the free application for Federal Financial Aid (FAFSA), improved the student loan process to support students and also increased support for two-year institutions (community colleges).

President Obama’s effort to make education cool was evident to me during a roundtable discussion I had with brothers from the Chabot College Striving Black Brothers Program in San Jose, California. The Striving Black Brothers talked passionately about appreciating how President Obama looks out for boys and men of color, citing the My Brothers Keeper Initiative as an example of his commitment to supporting brothers who look like him and come from the communities that have conspired for his success. They candidly spoke of drawing strength from the graceful ways the President deflects the haters while maintaining an authentic sense of self citing the President’s remarks after Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates was arrested attempting to enter his home and the fact that the President said “If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon [Martin]” as examples. President Obama has enlisted the help of educators, celebrities, athletes, and other elected and community leaders to close opportunity and achievement gaps — to mentor, to make room and to talk about the importance of persistent pursuit of post-secondary opportunities.

The President’s strongest and coolest ally has been, of course, First Lady Michelle Obama. First Lady Michelle Obama makes smart look easy. With an equally accomplished and stellar academic background and career, Mrs. Obama has occupied the role of First Lady like no other.

Our First Lady has dunked on the Miami Heat, hit the Dougie with Ellen, and shared the importance of healthy eating and exercise in an effort to advance policy that impacts students and schools.

Michelle Obama has been intentional in leveraging her position as First Lady of the United States to advocate for students who are often neglected and ignored. To celebrate students striving towards their education, the Better Make Room campaign promotes college awareness to increase college access and completion. The campaign works in partnership with the Reach Higher initiative, which inspires and equips students with the tools and knowledge to attain the highest levels of post-secondary success. Recognizing that equal educational access is a global challenge, First Lady Michelle Obama also champions the Let Girls Learn initiative aimed at helping adolescent girls attain a quality education and reach their full potential. Michelle Obama epitomizes smart, Black girl magic and will continue to captivate young people everywhere long after she leaves the White House.

I have witnessed first-hand the effects of Michelle Obama’s legacy when I visit school lunch rooms around the country and witness students who live in food deserts, without access to fresh fruit or vegetables in their community, have access to fresh and healthy options through school lunches. I witness it when I talk to high school students who possess an increased understanding of their bodies and the food that fuels it because the First Lady’s Let’s Move Initiative has helped caring and concerned adults think about ways to solve the epidemic of childhood obesity. I have watched young girls talk with confidence about their own leadership and the ways they are already working to change the world around them. Young, gifted, black girl leaders like Marley Dias (founder of 1000 Black Girl books), Jordan West (7-year-old author and founder of the Princess for a Day movement), and Mikaila Ulmer (founder of Bee Sweet Lemonade) are each powerful examples of the First Lady’s legacy — a legacy that is sure to live on through generations of young girls who look at her and think I too can have it all . The Obama family continues to demonstrate we can!

The Obamas know what it means to be young, gifted, and Black, and have spent the last eight years helping the world understand the spirit of elder philosopher Asa Hilliard, who said we will never meet a Black child who is not a genius and there is no secret to how we support them. We first acknowledge them as human and we second treat them with love.

I am honored to be a part of the Obama legacy, having led an Initiative that has worked to support the Obama administration by centering and celebrating the experiences of Africa American students, students who like President Obama and First Lady Obama simply needed opportunities to demonstrate all they know and have learned — a stage upon which they could shine. All of our work is aimed at ensuring African American youth position and envision themselves as experts and leaders — maybe even President of the United States.

The ability to envision dreams not yet dreamt is the essence of the Obama effect. It is the sacrifice made by ancestors who risked their lives to learn to read by candle light and moonlight so that we would have the opportunity to pursue our passions as the First Family has with such style and grace. President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama’s leadership, accomplishments, and commitment to education show us that being smart is the new cool. I smile knowing the legacy, much like the essence of Black cool, is here to stay.



Obama Alumni

Onward is a collection of stories from the Obama campaign trail and administration, paired with reflections on how those experiences can shape the future.