How To Empower Your B2B E-Commerce Business in 2019

Jennifer Venkat
Obbo Marketplace
Published in
5 min readJul 26, 2019

One thing is for certain in 2019. Brick and mortar will never die. Thanks to the digital revolution, it now has a new avenue: the B2B marketplace. Whether catering to B2B or B2C audiences, digital marketplaces are growing massively in clout and popularity. Heck, even the gaming industry is catching on! More and more gaming designers and developers are now using the power of e-Commerce to garner more visibility for their work outside of the gaming community.

So with brick and mortar making its digital comeback, how can suppliers tap into its potential and find the most optimal buyers to satisfy their procurement needs? The Obbo team would like to provide our readers with deeper insights on winning strategies and tips you can implement for greater E-Commerce success in the B2B space:

Find a niche.

Sit down and hold a mini-brainstorming session for yourself and your team. What makes your product and service special? What is the strongest aspect of your brand’s concept? A visual brainstorm or mindmap would be the most interactive way to do this!

Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

In short, focusing on one vertical rather than several can help you target the best segments of your intended market.

Customize your store.

Give your web store that personal touch. Building it on a dedicated B2B marketplace helps you attract a large chunk of your online audience.

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

At Obbo Marketplace, we help you personalize and build your B2B e-Commerce store from scratch. Visit us today to learn more.

Consult the experts.

Many B2B platforms take a human-oriented approach to help you set up your e-Commerce franchise.

Photo by Dan Dimmock on Unsplash

We at Obbo, are no exception to this rule. Obbo believes in being your personal guide during your B2B e-Commerce journey. We tailor our guidance to suit your needs, buyer or seller.

Market through all possible channels.

Marketing, as we know it today, is vastly different from how it was years ago. With the vast variety of digital marketing tools and avenues available in the age of social media, making your brand visible in the B2B space needs to be no hard feat!

Here are three quick and easy ways to market your B2B product or service:
Capture your target audience through impactful and well-angled content writing.

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Ensure that you write your ad copy (longform, shortform or otherwise) with your end-consumer in mind. What are their immediate needs? How do they behave and speak? When you write your content in the language of your customers, they are more likely to connect and engage with your brand.

Enhance the visibility of your brand and products through SEO.

Photo by Web Hosting on Unsplash

Your brand should be visible on key search engines such as Google. Research strong focus keywords to improve your search engine visibility. You should always aim to be on the first result page or search result!

Expand your international and local presence through programmatic and paid advertising.

Likes, comments, shares can be driven up organically but the best way to drive up general engagement on social media posts still tends to be through planned paid advertising.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Various social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and LinkedIn offer the ability to run paid ad campaigns on a schedule. SEM (Search Engine Marketing) could also a valuable advertising method given the popularity and effectiveness of Google AdWords campaigns in boosting site visibility.

Not sure where to begin with regards to your digital marketing? Fret not! For more tailored guidance on your content and digital marketing strategy, simply drop us an email at!

Offer up-to-date quotations to your customers.

If your customers are scouting for you actively on social media, they are listening, or rather socially listening, to your social media. Don’t delay and respond to their product/service requests with instant quotations.

Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash

The Obbo team understands that managing buyer requests can be time-consuming and frustrating for procurement teams. Hence, this is why we designed our platform to handle all these needs in a timely and efficient manner. This way, you can focus on more pressing business concerns and leave the elbow grease to us. Pretty nifty!

Minimize registration and transactional costs, wherever possible.

When you are trying to build a successful B2B e-Commerce business, the last thing you need are hidden costs you did not anticipate. You want to make sure that you sign up with a business that helps you maximize your revenue; not dwindle it.

Photo by Fabian Blank on Unsplash

Obbo saves you the stress of having to worry about those nasty overheads. Signing up to our platform is absolutely free! Plus, we do not charge any shady transaction fees. How cool is that?

As entrepreneurs ourselves, we must say we empathize with the struggles of entrepreneurs everywhere. The B2B entrepreneurial journey is never easy. But what we do is sweeten the process in our own, unique ways to make great things happen for you! We always ensure to stay with you every step of the way, whether it be guiding you through listing or buying from our platform or marketing your products in the digital sphere.

So go on. Why not give us a try? We always live by our team motto of “Go big or go home”. In this vein, let us help you go big this year. Let us make 2019 your year!

Obbo, the acronym for Offline Businesses Backed Online, is a digital discovery and marketplace platform, with a simple mission to digitise and help local brick-and-mortar businesses and small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) to do business globally, digitally. Check out to find out more.



Jennifer Venkat
Obbo Marketplace

Content strategist at Obbo Marketplace. Obbo, the acronym for Offline Businesses Backed Online, is a leading digital discovery and marketplace platform in SG.