How Are Millennials in Singapore Building 2nd Gen Businesses Today?

Jennifer Venkat
Obbo Marketplace
Published in
5 min readAug 22, 2019

Every generation has had its time in the sun when it comes to Singaporean business and enterprise — Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X, you name it. But now we have a new player in the arena: Millennials (Generation Y).

Thanks to the great startup trend that has dominated the 2010 era, Millennials have flocked to coworking spaces in hordes to build networks through communities and chase their dreams through their own ventures. But what of the Millennials who are the sons and daughters of older business owners here? These individuals who decided to join their family business instead of working their way up the corporate ladder.

But it stands to reason that Millennials would not run these businesses in the way their parents or even grandparents would. After all, Millennials want to define ‘newer ways’ of business development, marketing, finance and procurement strategies on their own terms, in the way Millennials do. And given their penchant for valuing diversity, inclusivity, social media trends and a great work-life balance amongst other things, it is needless to say that the Singapore business world is undergoing a transformation. So how exactly are Millennials changing the world of business today in Singapore?

Relying More On Social Media Marketing.

Photo by Prateek Katyal on Unsplash

Conventional marketing in the form of television, billboard and other forms of print advertising are slowly turning passé. Now, social media marketing has taken its place.

Thanks to the functionalities of programmatic advertising on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn, business owners now profit from better reach and B2B sales leads. This helps improve the efficiency of the sales process given that it aids greatly in lead generation.

At Obbo Marketplace, we are experts in helping you become more visible to your sales prospects thanks to our marketing expertise. Today, we are also humbled to have Hubspot as our valued partner to help your products and services gain better traction with potential buyers through the likes of inbound marketing. Click here to learn more about inbound marketing services to accelerate your business growth.

Outsourcing Niche Departments to Experienced Freelancers.

Photo by Tran Mau Tri Tam on Unsplash

A problem that a lot of business founders come across is possessing the budget to hire experienced professionals for niche departments of their business. These include a bevvy of professional services such as creative design, marketing, interior design, web development, HR and so on.

But not anymore. When you source your next professional service with Obbo Marketplace, you enjoy the luxury of hiring great freelance professionals through a one-stop destination. We list a host of professional services on our site including the following:

Contact us today to learn more and request an instant quotation! :)

Using B2B eCommerce Platforms to List Products and Services.

Photo by rupixen on Unsplash

A majority of Singaporean entrepreneurs these days are going to B2B eCommerce platforms to list their products and services. Why is this? Convenience. When the communication avenues used to source potential leads are disorganized and scattered, it can be hard to understand where to begin sourcing them.

And this is where Obbo can help. At Obbo Marketplace, we help you bridge the gap between your business and best-fit buyers for your product/service. We provide you with a one-stop platform where you can list, connect and market your products and services to potential buyers. Our unique algorithm feature on our site helps provide this relationship and maximize your profits along the way.

Using Experiential Marketing To Sell A Product Or Service.

Photo by Noiseporn on Unsplash

These days, Singaporean Millennial consumers want to be sold an experience rather than a product or service alone. Thus, more and more businesses are adopting experiential marketing as part of their marketing strategy.

Are you looking to host an event to market your product or service to more of your consumers? We can provide amazing caterers, event organizers, photography, printing and videography for your event. Simply request a quotation today to learn more.

Minimizing On Office Rentals By Using Coworking Spaces.

Photo by ROOM on Unsplash

Anyone who does business in Singapore, can tell you that the cost of office rentals here is quite high.

So given the competitive climate of the business property market, how do business owners here keep their operational costs low? Simply by downsizing on office space. And this is easily done, thanks to the existence of good coworking spaces here.

Obbo helps make the process of finding the perfect coworking space for your business, a simple affair. View our coworking space listings here to learn more. We have a great variety of hotdesking space listings to choose from such as Hive (where Obbo Marketplace is headquartered at)!

It is certainly clear that Millennials have disrupted various aspects of the business world, both within Singapore and outside of it. So why not join the club and transform into a b2b disruptor of the future by using our platform? We assure you that we will only provide you with the best business supplies and b2b selling experience, buyer or seller. And together, we can collaborate to build a b2b landscape, worthy of praise. All we have to do is begin.

And what better way to do so, than with a cup of kopi/coffee for motivation. :)

Obbo, the acronym for Offline Businesses Backed Online, is a digital discovery and marketplace platform, with a simple mission to digitise and help local brick-and-mortar businesses and small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) to do business globally, digitally. Check out to find out more.



Jennifer Venkat
Obbo Marketplace

Content strategist at Obbo Marketplace. Obbo, the acronym for Offline Businesses Backed Online, is a leading digital discovery and marketplace platform in SG.