How can the businesses of today become the eco-positive spaces of tomorrow?

Jennifer Venkat
Obbo Marketplace
Published in
5 min readJul 25, 2019
Photo by ROOM on Unsplash

In the wake of new attention placed on mindfulness and the art of mindful living and working, came the highly-coveted KonMari method. In the earlier part of this year, Marie Kondo was instrumental in defining how work and living spaces are organized, rejuvenated and transformed. Through simple steps such as tidying by category rather than location and discarding items that no longer “spark joy”, she demonstrated that tidying could bring our lives passion and purpose rather than be an activity of meaningless tedium.

Marie Kondo teaches employees at The Pool about tidying their work desks the KonMari way

Through tidying methods such as KonMari; it is clear to see that well-organized workplaces help to increase the good energy of a workspace. Studies show that cleaner and well-organized workspaces:

  • Enabled employees to be more efficient workers
  • Made for healthier employees
  • Helped create good impressions on higher-ups
  • Boosted morale amongst employees

This got us, at Obbo, inspired. What if workplace rejuvenation were an exercise in eco-sensitivity as it is in mindfulness?

As a digital marketplace of the future based in Singapore, we at Obbo, always strive to be socially-responsible effectors of change. And it shows. When we advise our corporate buyers with regards to their procurement needs, we talk about how our products could be used to create an eco-sensitive workspace while maintaining its positive vibrations.

The Obbo team likes to term this state of simultaneous eco-sensitivity and mindfulness, eco-positivity. So, with the help of our products, how can the workspaces of today become the eco-positive impactors of tomorrow? Here are five neat ways you could implement in your business’s eco-positive transformation:

Go wireless.

Photo by Nathan Waters on Unsplash

Did you know that going wireless is the easiest way to reduce your electronic waste? It could also help you amp up the health and safety quotient of your workspace. Your employees can now go about their day, without having to worry about the possibility of tripping on hard and chunky wires.

Going wireless can now be made easy, thanks to our AC1750 MU-MIMO Gigabit Dual Band Wireless Router. We provide instant quotations using our algorithm for all our products. Visit today to learn more!

Add some greenery to your office.

Photo by Kaufmann Mercantile on Unsplash

Your office could do with some horticultural redecoration. Placing some potted plants in your office is an ideal way to add some much-needed greenery, without breaking the bank.

You can even go the extra mile and turn the green facelift of your office into a hands-on, corporate gardening workshop. Your employees will thank you for helping cultivate their green thumbs and minds in the process.

Inspire the eco-positivity in your team with our vast selection of gardening accessories and related paraphernalia. We carry everything from packet seeds to potting mediums to make your Obbo B2B shopping experience, a smooth and eventless one.

Provide ample shelving and storage spaces.

Photo by Ilze Lucero on Unsplash

Freeing your office space of clutter will free your employees’ minds of clutter. Providing adequate room for self-organization makes for happier employees. They would think and act more efficiently, given that their workplace is designed to foster eco-positive thinking and behaviour.

You can upgrade and transform your shelving and storage layout with our fantastic racking and shelving units. For added safety and peace of mind, you can even use our industrial-strength adhesives to help reinforce them.

Stock up on organic snacks and fruit in your pantry.

Photo by Pass the Honey on Unsplash

Going vegan can do wonders for your office space. Gluten-free, paleo, raw and non-GMO snacks will help your employees satisfy their mid-afternoon cravings and make working at your business a highly enjoyable experience.

You could even place cool cutlery around your pantry to help them concoct exciting snack creations. Spur their culinary creativity!

We list fresh and organic fruit and a bevvy of other eco-positive snacks for purchase on our platform. 0% registration and transactional fees required. 100% fun and satisfaction guaranteed.

Gift your employees eco-positively.

Photo by Ju Desi on Unsplash

Giving your employees eco-positive gifts helps you kill two birds with one stone. It conveys gratitude to your employees for all their hard work while providing them with beautiful keepsakes they could use to augment the eco-positivity of their work desks. At Obbo, we believe that by gifting eco-positively, you inspire eco-positivity in kind. This is a mutually beneficial relationship which we believe will add immense value to your business.

Emphasizing on returning eco-positive affirmations, we list a series of delightful floral gifts that are sure to please your employees' senses. Arouse your employees’ senses with our Sakura Potpourri or Karis Seasonal Vase. Do remember that you can bulk purchase any merchandise on our site to get great value for quality.

We hope you enjoyed our insights on creating eco-positive workspaces. Do reach out to us at for more personalized consultations regarding your corporate eco-positivity journey. We are digital B2B specialists that match you to the right products that suit your business needs. To end on an impactful note, here is an eco-positive quote to align your senses:

There are moments when all anxiety and stated toil are becalmed in the infinite leisure and repose of nature.

Henry David Thoreau

Obbo, the acronym for Offline Businesses Backed Online, is a digital discovery and marketplace platform, with a simple mission to digitise and help local brick-and-mortar businesses and small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) to do business globally, digitally. Check out to find out more.



Jennifer Venkat
Obbo Marketplace

Content strategist at Obbo Marketplace. Obbo, the acronym for Offline Businesses Backed Online, is a leading digital discovery and marketplace platform in SG.