Winning the Fight for Greater Seller Equality in the Singapore B2B space

Jennifer Venkat
Obbo Marketplace
Published in
5 min readAug 2, 2019
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CW: This post talks about social injustice committed against B2B sellers. If you are easily triggered by content of this nature, we suggest clicking out of this window.

If you are a B2B seller and feel severely underrepresented in the B2B space, we wouldn’t disagree with you.

It can be tempting to think that all sellers are made equal in the B2B space. Coming to think of it, can’t just about anyone these days sell on eCommerce sites? For the uninitiated, here’s a brief lesson on how eCommerce listing works.

A crash course on B2B (for dummies)

  • The B2B seller creates an account on a popular eCommerce platform.
  • They create different listings for various products at various times.
  • The products receive approval by the moderators of the platform.
  • They are now considered ready for purchase by online buyers that visit the platform.

It is certain that the eCommerce listing process gives more visibility to sellers. But here’s the catch:

Does listing on eCommerce sites give more equality to sellers?

A pertinent question. Indeed, the internet is no stranger to inequality. Case in point, we all remember the ugly net-neutrality saga of 2017. When certain ISPs wanted to charge businesses unequally on the basis of content they released, the internet was well and truly triggered.

But not all hope was lost. Everyone, from the EU to the average internet user, voiced their displeasure at the unfairness of net non-neutrality. These voices of change were instrumental in leading an active conversation on how a fairer internet could be upheld.

Indeed, great strides have been made in the fight for net neutrality, till date. The FCC, for instance, is making greater efforts to regulate net neutrality at present. ISPs too, have joined in the fight for a fairer, more equal internet, with the likes of ExpressVPN advertising their product as being supportive of a freer internet.

Photo by Javier Quesada on Unsplash

Through no coincidence of our own, this topic popped up during one of our weekly Friday team meetings, here at Obbo. While pondering on net neutrality, we couldn’t help but put out this thought:

If we, as consumers of the internet, are triggered so easily by internet inequality then shouldn’t we be triggered by B2B seller inequality as well?

And with good reason. Considering the fierce competition that dominates the B2B space, it comes as no surprise that a vast number of sellers may not be receiving the attention they need from potential buyers.

This is why Obbo takes pride in championing the rights of B2B sellers in Singapore and elsewhere. We don’t just believe in being your typical B2B platform. Rather, we are effectors of social change that want to give our B2B sellers a digital voice and platform of the future. So here’s how we do it:

We are experts at instant digital procurement.

Photo by William Iven on Unsplash

We don’t put you on the backlist of death. We answer your queries promptly and provide the ability to receive instant quotations on all order requests. You even get the functionality of making as many buyer requests as you want on our site.

And what’s more, we use the power of technology to help you find the right buyers for your products. All thanks to our unique algorithm feature.

We put the human in B2B.

We don’t just make you sign up, thank you via email and then forget your existence. We see you as humans, first and foremost, rather than numbers.

When you sign up on our site, we organize a one-on-one consultation session to meet with you. We then capitalize on this opportunity to learn more about you as well as walk you through the numerous functionalities and benefits of selling through our B2B marketplace. We don’t just leave you to meander in the B2B warp of nothingness. Trust us on this (or you can hear from our community of existing suppliers).

We market you to willing buyers out there.

Photo by Kaleidico on Unsplash

Letting our clients handle all their marketing is so 2000 and late (how’s that for a Black Eyed Peas reference?).

Coming to you with the best expertise that marketing has to offer, we position ourselves as active B2B marketers who help you sell too. We educate ourselves on all matters pertaining to SEO, content creation and social media marketing so you don’t have to.

We build you from scratch.

We don’t just give you a drag-and-drop interface for you to work from. Rather, we have dedicated and tech-savvy account managers that connect with you and help to deliver the same outcome.

We help you manage your store, inclusive of customization, maintenance and updates, so you can worry about more pressing concerns.

And, most importantly, we don’t break the bank.

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Registering and transacting on our site can be done devoid of any nasty fees or hidden costs. You can rest assured that you’ll be singing the tune of revenue with us all the way through.

In the interests of B2B sellers in Singapore and elsewhere, Obbo feels it is imperative that we take a stand against B2B seller-inequality. Our greatest desire is for our actions to affect an eCommerce revolution that is targeted at the betterment of the digital sphere. With time, we feel we shall create a better B2B environment that represents sellers of all kinds. Equally.

Contact us today to see how we can represent you equally in the B2B space.

Obbo, the acronym for Offline Businesses Backed Online, is a digital discovery and marketplace platform, with a simple mission to digitise and help local brick-and-mortar businesses and small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) to do business globally, digitally. Check out to find out more.



Jennifer Venkat
Obbo Marketplace

Content strategist at Obbo Marketplace. Obbo, the acronym for Offline Businesses Backed Online, is a leading digital discovery and marketplace platform in SG.