People Not Responding To Your Cold Pitches on LinkedIn? Send Them Seven More

Its go-time, salesgods.

Lyndsay Rush
Obedient Agency
2 min readApr 27, 2020


Image Source: Glengarry Glen Ross

There you are: mindlessly adding random connections on LinkedIn, when — BINGO — someone takes the bait.

Ok, it’s go time. You’ve trained your whole sales-life for this and you know exactly what to do first: INSTANTLY send them a pitch. And not just a cold pitch, an ice cold one.

First rule of Ice Cold Pitching ™ is to spell the recipients name wrong. Or, hell, if you’re a seasoned pro, don’t even address it to anyone. POWER MOVE!!

Next, make sure you’re using the outdated, templated message you try on everyone, regardless of their specific business, niche or industry.

It’s critical to the art of The Ice Cold Pitch™ that it you half-heartedly offer to help them in some way (even though it’s alarmingly clear you haven’t researched them at all nor do you care what their business needs may or may not be). Of course your goal is to dump them in a sales funnel of some sort, but they don’t need to know that!

Hit send. Make a snack. Wait for the magic to happen.

Ok cool cool cool, looks like they opened your message but did not reply. Take their silence as a clue that you should copy and paste the exact same message and send ‘er again. Maybe they were so blown away by the “opportunity” that they blacked out for a second? Probably that.

Give them about 12 hours before sending another message. You guessed it: same exact pitch as the two previous messages but maybe sprinkle in a ‘Just touching base again!’ intro. Look at you, you’re a sales genius.

I mean, sure, they still haven’t said a word back to you but what’s more compelling than getting the same exact message over and over in their inboxes?! Chances are they’re getting their finances in order, talking to their director, and definitely, for sure planning on giving you their business.

Don’t be discouraged if at this point they’ve removed you as a LinkedIn connection. You still have access to their inbox for some unknown reason so crank up the heat and send your pitch one last time. FOUR IS MORE, BABAY. (You had this printed on a coffee mug for your birthday last year.)

At the end of the day, this beloved sales tactic is akin to triple-texting your crush, which has always worked out for everyone. Translation: Keep up the good work, sales gods!



Lyndsay Rush
Obedient Agency

Comedy writer, Creative Agency CoFounder, Copywriter, national treasure.