August at ObEN — An Inside Peek into Research

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3 min readSep 5, 2018

To cap off a summer of globetrotting adventure, this month ObEN has been releasing an Inside ObEN Labs video series that highlights some of the work our researchers are doing to improve the quality, functionality, and usefulness of our Personal AIs (PAI).

Some of the new technology showcased include multilingual speech systems that enable PAI to speak in both Chinese and English within the same conversation without switching systems, as well as beta versions of our personalized TTS for Korean, with a Japanese TTS already in development. In addition, our computer vision team showcases facial-tracking technology that can translate to amazingly personalized emojis, and our machine learning team develops new methods for tracking movement directly from video to create a greater variety of personalized dances and motions for PAI. Some of ObEN’s researchers will also be presenting their paper at Interspeech 2018 September 2–6 in India — you can read a summary of their paper here.

Major Showcases of Our Personal AI Technology

ObEN will speak at MWC 2018, the largest annual gathering for mobile technology

In September, the ObEN team will be attending two major technology conferences in two opposite sides of the world. First up on 9/13 is Mobile World Congress Americas where our CEO Nikhil Jain will speak onstage about our adoption of the Project PAI blockchain and the importance of enabling users to maintain personal data control — a vital issue in a world increasingly more tied to our mobile phones. He’ll also discuss how that data on the Project PAI ecosystem can be used to power Personal AI technology to serve everyone in the world.

The ObEN team will exhibit at WAIC 2018, a premiere AI event in China

Then from 9/17–23, ObEN will be exhibiting at the Shanghai World AI Conference — where visitors to our booth can engage in several fun experiences featuring our PAI technology, including creating their very own PAI. We will also be debuting some special surprises stemming from our celebrity partnerships, so stay tuned on our social channels so you don’t miss out on some never-before-seen content, which will soon translate to more uses for PAI!

As the summer comes to a close, we were eager to take a look at how much our team has grown over the last season. It’s amazing seeing all the new faces and new talent. If you want to join team ObEN and create the future of digital interactions with Personal AI, take a look at open positions here.

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Enabling every person in the world to create, own and manage their Personal AI. Tencent, Softbank Ventures Korea & HTC Vive X portfolio co.