February at ObEN — Transport Yourself to a Whole New World

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2 min readFeb 27, 2019
A new team photo for the new year — we take our work very seriously, but picture day…not so much

New Partnerships in a Familiar Space

VR/AR platform developer Salin joins forces with ObEN to create new, personalized social experiences

Personal AI (PAI) and VR/AR are a perfect pair. In fact, one of the first major companies that joined ObEN’s journey was VR headset manufacturer HTC Vive, which inducted ObEN into its highly competitive accelerator program. Since PAIs are supposed to be digital representatives of ourselves, it’s only natural that they would thrive in a digital environment.

That is why we are excited to announce we are working with Salin — a fellow member of our cohort in the SoftBank Innovation Program, to create VR and AR experiences that will see ObEN’s PAI on Salin’s gaming and social platform. With Salin’s tech, you can enjoy a VR or AR concert while simultaneously interacting with the life-like avatars of your friends and family. It may not be teleportation, but it’s the best way to transport yourself from your living room to your next great adventure with friends.

A Successful Turn on the World’s Biggest Stage

Last month, we introduced our newsletter subscribers to the four new celebrity PAIs we created for CCTV’s annual Network Spring Festival Gala. We are happy to announce that the appearance of our AI avatars on the world’s largest stage has turned out to be a resounding success. Not only was the broadcast viewed by over 300M people, we took over China’s most popular social platform Weibo as a top trending topic with over 1.8 Billion interactions! And we’re not ready to retire these PAIs yet. Chinese audiences may be seeing them pop up in a bunch of fun ways over the coming year, so stay tuned!

A Healthy Outlook

Back in November, we released some teasers on social media about an upcoming project with Medstar-Georgetown University Hospital that will use our PAIs in a study on patients recovering from congestive heart failure. After months of hard work, the Medstar and ObEN team are finally getting ready to introduce this project to patients. We don’t want to spoil too much yet — you’ll have to follow our social channels and keep reading our newsletter to catch the exciting announcement next month!



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Enabling every person in the world to create, own and manage their Personal AI. Tencent, Softbank Ventures Korea & HTC Vive X portfolio co.