July at ObEN — Immortalizing Humans and Improving Data Ownership

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3 min readJul 31, 2019

Since the onset of the digital age, governments and corporations have found a commodity as valuable as — if not more than — oil and gold. It’s our personal data. But profiting from that data has raised many issues about privacy, personal IP, and data security. It’s something we’ve seen again and again in the news.

Drawing on inspiration from early VR pioneer Jaron Lanier, ObEN has adopted data ownership, use, and security philosophies that aim to rebalance the data economy into a “humanistic information economy”. This concept strives to treat every byte of data that you create as something you should be able to control, permission, share, and monetize.

At ObEN, this vision becomes a reality through our use of blockchain technology. We’ve demonstrated its use by securing the IP of our AI Anchor on PAI News (a platform for Personal AI-driven content), on the blockchain. We’ve used blockchain as a method of collecting data for research while automatically compensating users, and we’ve integrated it as a method of securing the IP of our celebrity partners.

You can read more about our bold new vision for data security and control in our latest blog post!

Say Hello to the World’s Oldest PAI

One of the most frequent and heartwarming requests we get from people all over the world is how they want to use their PAI to help preserve their memories of a family member. Our technology really seems to hit home with those who have aging friends and relatives, and as a company we are always proud when people say they can imagine one day having a PAI of family members they can pass down through the ages.

This month, we had the pleasure of creating the PAI of our CEO Nikhil Jain’s grandmother-in-law. At 107 years old, she is the oldest person whose likeness has been recreated as a PAI. It was amazing to see her delight when, with a single selfie, she was able to use our technology to create her own lifelike avatar. And while Nikhil’s grandmother may have gotten first dibs of the technology, we are excited to soon share this tech with users worldwide, many of whom have reached out to us with their own stories about using PAIs to preserve a part of the precious people in their lives.

Nikhil’s grandmother and her own Personal AI created using ObEN’s PAI technology

Speak Any Language with Voice Conversion Technology

In other news, there is a new addition to the lineup of technologies that we use to create PAIs. This month we introduced a demo of our Voice Conversion Technology, which greatly expands the utility of PAIs’ speech ability. Using any sample voice recording, ObEN’s speech team can have a PAI mimic the sentences spoken in the recording using the PAIs own voice, no matter what language the original recording is in. With this technology, a user can communicate with anyone in the world in their native language and let the Voice Conversion function take care of the rest. You can experience the demo for yourself on our research page here.

Join our Team!

We have fun and build great things. Here are some of our current openings:

Director of Marketing
Enterprise Product Manager
Senior Product Manager
Product Designer

More opportunities are available at oben.me/careers/



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Enabling every person in the world to create, own and manage their Personal AI. Tencent, Softbank Ventures Korea & HTC Vive X portfolio co.