The Dark Side of the Moon

Emma Kind
Objective DilEmma
Published in
3 min readJan 5, 2018

Some people like to talk, the others like to write. But all of us like to share our stories. We tell each other about different situations, events, good or bad things that happened to us. They may be real or just made up. And all of them are too subjective.

The higher level of storytelling are books, movies, songs which are all stories in different forms written by professionals.

Our stories reflect our thoughts, dreams, hopes and expectations, our pain, sadness or happiness, our experience and knowledge.

But why do we share our stories? We want to be heard and understood, or to make sure that we are not alone and there are people who can relate to them.

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”

― Maya Angelou

Why do we read or listen to the stories? I’m sure the reasons are the same. In addition to it, we can learn from them, or just find out that we are not alone in our search of the meaning of the life.

Most of the stories are told from one point of view. What about the others?

We all know the story of the Red riding hood and the Big bad wolf. The story is always presented from the point of view of the little girl with a red hooded cloak. What about the wolf? Maybe he had reasons to act like it’s written, or maybe he would tell a way too different story. Who knows?

A story is a mixture of information, emotions and events. The proportion of these components varies from story to story depending on the storyteller.

“The story of the yellow balloon”

  • “ It was my birthday. My friends and I were walking across the street. I was holding a yellow balloon. Suddenly, it was blown off by the wind. I tried to catch it, but it was already too far from me. There was a boy passing by who saw the balloon. He caught it and gave it back to me. I was grateful that I got my balloon back.”
  • “It was a windy summer day. I was hurrying to meet my friend. Suddenly, I saw a yellow balloon and a girl who was trying to catch it. I managed to catch it, as I was closer to it. I felt like I was a hero who saved the balloon while handing it back to that girl”.

These stories were built around the same event but from different perspectives.

Some stories can be too emotional for us. Most of us have songs that make us cry or make us happy, and we keep listening to them because they are comforting or motivating. The music, the lyrics, the voices — the whole composition. We find something familiar in them, something we can relate to.

It feels like somebody else explained our feelings with words, when we couldn’t do it ourselves. This is when we think that maybe we are not too different. Maybe it’s not that hard to understand each other’s feelings as they are not hidden on the dark side of the moon.

Reading books and watching movies are addictions, in a good sense of the word. Drama, comedy, horror, science fiction, mystery, fantasy, thrillers, etc. They are all a part of our lives — created by people for people.

When you read a book or watch a movie, you find yourself in a whole new world where you meet new people, discover new things and learn life lessons. The real pleasure is to find something hidden in them between the lines, something that the authors want you to realize yourself.

“A good story should make you laugh, and a moment later break your heart.”

― Chuck Palahniuk

Why am I writing this story?

Maybe I want to entertain you, or share my thoughts. Maybe I want you to find what’s hidden inside it. And, it doesn’t even matter, as my story is written like many thousands of other stories and will be forgotten like they were. Or, you can keep thinking about its true meaning and purpose.

“…And if your head explodes with dark forebodings too,

I’ll see you on the dark side of the moon…”

The End.

