Your Past, Your Present, Your Future

Emma Kind
Objective DilEmma
Published in
3 min readDec 14, 2017

If you had a chance to go back in time and change one thing in your life, what would it be?

Our past always haunts us and makes us think about things that can never be changed. We all have regrets. We all have things that make us feel ashamed, or just sad. We all have that “what ifs”, “if onlys” and other possible outcomes of our decisions.

You can’t change your past. You can only learn from it and try to create the past you’ll never regret.

Overthinking won’t make you feel better. It will make you feel worse. And if you live in the past and think about past you will miss something very important — your present.

What is the most precious thing for us?


We never know how much time we have. So, why do we waste our time thinking about the past, if we can live now, at this very moment?

Your past is a memory, your future is unpredictable, there’s only now, and nothing lasts forever.

How long is forever? As the White Rabbit said, “Sometimes, just one second.”

Everything that happens- every action, every step, every decision, happens in the present. Our present shapes our future and reflects our past.

Our perception of time, and the time itself, is relative. We understand time as a sequence of events which happened, are happening or will happen. But even a certain set of events is relative depending on different points of view.

“Time is an illusion.” — Albert Einstein

Maybe we take life too seriously? Maybe we need to think less and enjoy it more?

We never know what life will bring us tomorrow, but maybe it doesn’t even matter. The only thing that matters is our attitude, the way we feel, the way we handle the things.

Maybe our life is just an adventure.

What makes you feel free?

What makes you feel happy?

What makes you sad?

What makes you feel beautiful?

What makes you feel alive?

What makes you feel happy and sad at the same time?

It’s all in your mind.

Your fears, your obsessions become your driving force. But one day, when you realize it you become free.

Life is not a fairytale, it’s not a tragedy or a drama. It’s just an adventure and you’re the author. You write your own story and decide when to close one chapter and open a new one.

Don’t forget to be honest with yourself in the process and surround yourself with people you like and who’ll make you a better person.

The characters of your story — your friends, your enemies or a life lesson?

Time will tell.

Stop trying to avoid mistakes and chasing happiness — you’ll fail.

Stop living in the past and making excuses.

Stop playing the game with someone else’s rules — create your own rules.

Stop wasting your time on trying to control everything and everyone.

Let go of your past and free up space for something new and different.

“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.” — Mother Teresa

