#378: A Tree Viewed Upside Down

Finding unexpected peace

Katie Harling-Lee
2 min readAug 26, 2021


A tree with green-yellow leaves against a sky of clear blue, viewed upside down

On a walk
Searching for a refuge
I found a tree

I sat myself down
On a jumper on damp grass, a few crisp leaves
— autumn beginning to make an appearance.

Sitting, I looked.
My chin ninety degrees to the floor, I stared straight out at a hill
(What I call my mountain)
In the distance
It towers over rooftops
Which sit below a blemish-free sky of blue — white at the edges

I breathe.
I breathe in greener air
A distant view
The blue of distance
An imagined moment: standing on that hill over there, looking out.

Eventually, I rearrange my jumper —
I want to lie down.
As I do,
As I tilt my chin 180 degrees from the floor, I am surprised
By leaves
Above me is a branch
Extending from the tree behind
And arching above my head, my eyes.
I am entranced.

I lie there, shading my eyes from the sun, to watch the leaves,
To see them play in the breeze, rustling each other.
I watch and listen as wind moves leaves and sound.
I feel held in that rustle.

Between me and the blue expanse is a tree
It reaches out
And I
Reach up
With my eyes upon the leaves
A world turned upside down
In a peaceful moment.

The same green-yellow leafed tree as above, opened out in a panoramic, against a clear blue sky

Katie writes regularly about random objects that she finds in her everyday life. If you’re interested in reading more, check out her blog Object, a collaboration with fellow Medium blogger Eleanor. You can also follow us on Twitter @ ObjectBlog.



Katie Harling-Lee

Musician, reader, writer, and thinker, studying for a PhD in English Literature at Durham University. Interested in all things objects, music, Old Norse & cats.