The Peyote Path

Jan Wellmann
Obliterate Conformity
2 min readJun 17, 2024

Electrons move to higher energy states when absorbing energy and drop to lower states when emitting it. In both cases, they vanish from their current plateau.

What if the same thing happens to people when they “die”?

What if death is simply a transition?

The Natove Americans sometimes chose to transition at the peak of their power – to secure a shift to a higher plateau. They built their lives to become stronger, wiser, and more worthy of a transition.

Imagine how this belief system could affect one’s life compared to our standard narrative.

Modern “science” tells us a story about a crumbling, entropic universe, the inevitable slide to chaos, decrepitude, and death. So, we build cocoons of comfort, security, and stuff. We try to control our circumstances out of fear, fighting a losing battle against a weakening reality, body, and mind.

But what if death is just another disempowering narrative – a control tale?

What if instead of slowing down and cozying up with age, we could aim for higher energy states – fitter, sharper, more aware – aiming for the best slingshot to the next plateau?

All reality and belief systems are fabrications of the human mind. Some are more empowering than others, and some can be sought with the help of specific plants, like Peyote

See the full 1hr Doc on the message from Peyote:

THE PEYOTE PATH – Plant Wisdom Part II

This one-hour interview is the second exchange with renowned peyote shaman Kuauhtli Vasquez. It was filmed in April 2024, the morning after a ceremony in Costa Rica.

We delve into the purpose of peyote and its crucial role in healing both traditional and modern cultures. Today, peyote ceremonies are embraced by individuals seeking to release trauma, find life purpose, and support body-mind regeneration.

We also explore native traditions of perceiving life, death, and the universe, highlighting how peyote has been used as foundational wisdom for living a natural, empowered life.

