Trey Sesler AKA Mr. Anime Kills Entire Family

J.E. Mercedes.
Obscure Horror


Photo by Sean Benesh on Unsplash

If you were on Youtube between 2006 and 2012, you might have heard about a creator named “Mr. Anime.” Texas native Trey Sesler started his Youtube channel on September 14, 2006. For the first few years, everything seemed normal. Sesler would review various anime series and is credited as being one of the first creators to kick-start the anime community on Youtube.

His popularity outside of the internet wasn’t as significant. Sesler was an average teenager who was described as eccentric and intelligent. He didn’t have many friends and spent much of his time creating skits with his older brother Mark and doing reviews for his Youtube channel. Sesler was described as being an honest reviewer. He never sugar-coated his reviews. His honesty alone garnered him quite the following.

Fans quickly noticed in 2011 that something was wrong with Sesler. He didn’t seem like himself. On December 27, 2011, Sesler made a Youtube video telling fans that he had been diagnosed with a pneumothorax, also known as a collapsed lung. After spending nearly a year in and out of the hospital, Sesler returned to Youtube and consistently uploaded videos. Only this time, they weren’t anime reviews; they were videos about serial killers, mass homicides, and mass school shootings. Sesler was fascinated with Columbine and started sharing videos with real guns and other…



J.E. Mercedes.
Obscure Horror

True Crime and Horror enthusiast. Full time freelance writer.