Submit your story to the observables

Guidelines to publish a story

Ankit Karnany
The Observables
1 min readDec 22, 2018


Photo by Dustin Lee on Unsplash

What we publish

We want to provide a platform for ideas about future, coding and design. We accept articles, posts, lists, opinions, tutorials and case studies surrounding above mentioned topics. Keep your piece simple and there is a high chance that it gets published.

What we do not publish

Any piece which is trying to sell something. For the same reason we also do not allow articles from business profiles. To maintain the quality of our content, we preserve the right to refuse any content that does not align with our beliefs.

How to submit

Send an email to me with a link to the draft of your story and the subject as ‘My Observable’. We will review your submission and get back to you within a day. If your article is accepted, it will be on it’s way to get published.

Are you ready?

Send me the link to your article to get started.

