A Poem about Nothing.

Axle Winterson
Observations of a Curious Mind.
1 min readDec 30, 2018

I reach across

too long for solemn roots to take hold

who passes upon such ethereal gaiety?

a witch

possessed by an amalgamation of dark corners

the aspect devours her

arranged like jaunted heretical spheres

a spectacle of deductive convention


forever in suspension

holding hands with archangels

descending into a circular adjournment

the words transcend

the words absorb him through the abyss of unknowing

until he sees all that can be seen

and all that cannot

his gentle faults laid before him as handles upon time

reaching forwards into the shrouded dusk

his hands

falling upon soft edges beyond the aspect

hedging in little spaces in eternity

a macroscopic perspective

between good and evil



a humble smile twinkling across his being.

knowingly drifting in nothingness.

where else?


