Daily Observations

Pointing out the obvious and the oblivious

David Markowitz
Observations of life


Jerry Seinfeld is known for his observational humor. But I’m not him. In fact, I don’t really find him that funny (Steven Wright and Monty Python are more my flavor). However, I do like making observations, many of which tend to be humorous or ridiculous.

In the past, I’ve usually kept these insights to myself with the occasional sharing with someone convenient. Upon discovering this site though, I thought sharing these tidbits of life would be a good first “story”.

I will try to add to this list every day. Some of these reflections will be hopefully humorous, some will be potentially profound, and some will be just plain ridiculous. Enjoy.

February 21, 2015

It’s been a while since my last update.

Spam is evil. That is all.

April 22, 2014

According to the late Charles M. Schultz, Happiness is a Warm Puppy. I wholeheartedly agree.


If natural disasters are Mother Nature’s huge chiming bell to remind all of us that she is the most powerful force of all, then allergies are her post-it notes.

April 21, 2014

Apparently, I’m not very good with posting my observations daily.


According to the latest spam, woodworking is the big thing right now. Who knew?

March 1, 2014

If you’re talking to someone who has an accent, it’s a good idea for both parties to speak slowly, so each can more easily understand the other.

Feburary 10, 2014

Why do women (maybe men too, don’t know, never looked) put “love to laugh” or “love to have fun” in personal ads? Who doesn’t like to do those? Actually, if someone put “I don’t like to laugh. Oh, and fun? Highly overrated,” I’d probably contact her just because it would make ME laugh reading that.

February 7, 2014

Recruiters who don’t speak English as their first language are not as helpful.


Peppermint Patty + marshmallow + graham crackers = minty s’mores goodness

January 31, 2014

Doing raspberries on 2 year olds’ bellies and hearing them squeal with laughter is one of the finer points of life.


Why in hell’s name do many people in the left turn lane veer right before turning left (not just making a u-turn)?? It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. It doesn’t accomplish anything besides scaring the crap out of the driver to the right of them.


I just discovered last night that the game company, Blizzard, after a nine year hiatus, has once again returned to the Bay Area, CA. Let the festivities commence!

January 29, 2014

Tried a new app called Chance today. It’s very simple — it connects you with a random person somewhere in the world, and the two of you take it from there. It of course suggests “saying hi” and “being nice”, but otherwise, you’re free to let it all hang out. Or not.

It was weird. Sort of like I was back in the days of the AOL chat rooms of the 90s, but mono a mono rather than with a group. It was the epitome of anonymous chat. No names, no avatars, no nicknames/handles. Just an iconic silhouette of a person’s head. Everything boiled down to the keys you type.

The result was that I connected with a handful of people, and ended up with just a couple fractions of conversations. Most of the people just left the conversation without even a goodbye once they found out either my age or my gender. So I’m guessing those were young males on the hunt. Which is funny given that you could be talking to someone on the other side of the world. The one conversation that started becoming interesting (the topic found its way to sex — go figure) ended abruptly when the app crashed. Oh yeah, and there’s no way to rejoin a conversation once it ends unless people share contact info to connect through other means. Oh well.

The thing is, as simple and feature-devoid (it could really use a history or mutually agreed favorites list to be able to reconnect with people that click) as the app is, there’s something vaguely addictive about the freeness of expression the app provides. I think I may give it another try. Or two.

January 28, 2014

Why is it that people will say “love to laugh” in their online personal ads? Who doesn’t like to laugh? By definition, laughing involves enjoyment. Even The Joker laughs when he’s having fun, even if that fun is at the expense of someone else’s misfortune (or death). It’s like saying “I’m posting this because I want to find someone”.

Now if someone posted “laughing is the work of the devil”, that would be interesting. Of course, I’d want to stay as far away from that person as possible, but interesting nevertheless.


My cat is the most neurotic cat I’ve ever met. No really. He’s constantly meowing, usually because he wants attention, though occasionally it’s to try to tell me he wants food or water. And while sometimes the meows are what you’d expect to hear, other times they sound like he just had his leg bitten off by a possum. Or maybe he thinks the world is going to end and he just must have his belly rubbed one last time. Even after petting him for a while, he’ll often start howling again.

And then there’s the fact that he likes to stand on my lap, not lie on it like normal cats. In fact, he’s doing so right now while my arms are under him in order to reach my keyboard. Freak.


I have a bad habit of trying new things all the time. Yes, trying new things is a great way to explore the world, but the problem is if you try too many new things, you tend to neglect everything else, like the things you already tried and like.

Take art for instance. I love anything creative. Drawing, writing, composing, programming, sculpting, photographing, designing (particularly games). Recently I finished retraining as a web developer. But while doing so, I started remembering I like art and design. So instead of working improving my skills in both front and back end development, I started focusing on front end, concentrating on the design side of web development. Consequently my knowledge of back end development has suffered.

Game design is another example. I went to art school to learn 3D animation, an art form that enthralled me. But after getting back into game development, I started experimenting with game design and realized that was another way for me to express my creativity and urge to tell stories. So, bye bye 3D animation, hello game design.

Now I’ve moved from game design to web development (coming full circle — I started in web development before moving to 3D animation). Fortunately, the technology gods have favored me with the recent trend of using front end web development for both web and mobile applications. So I think I may finally be able to have my cake and eat it too.

