AI in Obsidian — The Correct Way to Generate Ideas

Theo Stowell
Obsidian Observer
Published in
7 min readMay 31, 2023


I recently sent out a tweet requesting some ideas for articles — I asked what people would most like to learn about in Obsidian. This is an article to cover one of those requests, specifically — how can you use ChatGPT to generate ideas and brainstorm within Obsidian? There are several unique and powerful ways to integrate the power of Obsidian with AI to generate ideas and I’m going to cover them in this article. Stay tuned…

I’d like to note that there is no way that I’m aware of to integrate GPT with Obsidian without some kind of cost. You require an OpenAI API key for the plugins and methods that I describe in this article.

Despite this, the cost is not very high, especially if you use a lower power model, so I’d recommend you to try out the methods I describe here. You pay for the AI on a per-use basis, so you won’t be bound to unreasonable subscription fees if you aren’t a heavy user.

Plugins to Use

From what I know, these are some of the best Obsidian plugins that integrate AI into Obsidian:

  • QuickAdd
  • ChatGPT MD
  • Smart Connections
  • Copilot

There are others being released and updated regularly, so this list is going to be subject to change in…



Theo Stowell
Obsidian Observer

Productivity, PKM and self-development insights // More of what I know @ // Learn to manage your knowledge @