Obsidian Templater Snippets I Wish I Knew Sooner

Level up your workflow with these templater scripts

Prakash Joshi Pax
Obsidian Observer


Templater is a powerful Obsidian community plugin. But most people use it on the base level only. But it can perform much more powerful operations.

The core plugin template is good if you want to do simple templating but for more advanced work, templater is the way.

I like to call Templater a ‘Templates plugin on Steriods’.

It allows you to insert variables and functions in your notes to automate a lot of manual work. This can help to create a streamlined workflow in Obsidian.

In this article, I’m sharing templater snippets to add a lot of pro-level functionalities to the Obsidian app. All of these templater scripts are collected from Templater’s Discussion, Obsidian discord group, Obsidian Forum, and online articles.

Note: These templater scripts might need some tweaks depending on your actual template, workflow, and needs.

Today’s Date

This templater snippet adds today’s date in the note. You can change the date format easily. Here is the reference guide.

<% tp.date.now("Do MMMM YYYY") %>

Today’s date from file title



Prakash Joshi Pax
Obsidian Observer

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