The Right Way to Develop Your PKM System

Taking inspiration from biological evolution…

Theo Stowell
Obsidian Observer
Published in
3 min readNov 15, 2023


Since beginning to use PARAZETTEL, my bespoke system for personal knowledge management, I’ve learned a lot about effective systems for taking notes and working, and how to develop them.

In this piece, I’m going to cover why it’s best to follow an evolution model in developing your own PKM system. This is better than changing things all at once. I call this evolution (it relates to biological evolution) and this piece is going to show how you can use the principles yourself.

This piece is going to help stop you from wasting time chasing the perfect system for productivity. It’ll help you instead become comfortable in a system that’s constantly becoming better and better for your personal use.

Let’s get started…

I’ve been studying some form of biology since I started sixth form three and a half years ago.

Through this time I’ve become closely acquainted with the idea of biological evolution — how species evolved from more primitive forms to what we see today.

It starts through a species coming under pressure from the environment.

They’re in constant competition with other individuals for food, shelter and mates. Those with…



Theo Stowell
Obsidian Observer

Productivity, PKM and self-development insights // More of what I know @ // Learn to manage your knowledge @