Top 5 ObsidianMD Plugins you’re not going to want to go without

Tara H
Obsidian Observer
Published in
4 min readAug 8, 2023


So Obsidian is my note-taking and note-making app of choice, everyone knows this by now. And while I could get on using it without plugins there are some that just make everything so much easier.


Templater is the way to cut down time spent writing notes. Instead of having to type the same information over and over again you can have your notes ready to go at a couple of clicks of a button.

I have templates set up for pretty much any main type of note I make and for adding in things like dates, times etc. Since I started using it and adding these in the amount of time it takes me to make a blog post has pretty much been cut in half!

There are so many great templates on the Obsidian Forum for everything you could possibly need. From taking meeting notes and daily notes to templates for reading books and keeping track of what Podcasts you’re listening to!


Dataview is a lifesaver. Not so much if you want to publish the results, but for just viewing yourself in your vault and going from there.

This is how I keep track of where I am in my books, what books I’m reading, have yet to read, have read and put in the did not finish pile. It’s also how I keep track of…

