My journey to building and launching my first SaaS side project

Kieran Jones
Obstacle Coder
Published in
6 min readJan 28, 2022


Visitor Bench visitor sign in app

Why my side projects haven’t succeeded previously

I have written code on many side projects over the past 15 years but most fizzled out without even getting a single paying, or even free user. Technically some of these projects launched but most of them involved putting in a tonne of effort and then just before they could have been successful I got distracted or burnt out and moved onto something else.

Some of these projects include:

  • Layout Paradise (myspace theme site)
  • WordPress custom theme
  • Affiliate marketing niche sites
  • Facebook apps (Christmas card builder)
  • Mobile games (Flashy Fall)
  • Fantasy Football Stats Tracker
  • Crypto Price Tracker
  • Grocery price tracker

What went wrong?

  • Lost interest after not seeing immediate results
  • Got burnt out from putting in too many hours on top of my full time job
  • Didn’t put effort into marketing
  • Hit a hurdle/roadblock and never recovered

Why I successfully launched my side…



Kieran Jones
Obstacle Coder

Software Engineer, Side Project Enthusiast. Run, Lift, Code — Repeat