In Remembrance of the Atlanta Spa Shootings

Photo by Shannon Stapleton / Reuters

By Thu Nguyen

Dear Advocate,

Today, we remember the lives lost to the tragedy that occurred at the Atlanta spa shootings. Two years ago in the midst of the pandemic, a hate crime was committed against the Asian American community, and beauty salon industry, of Georgia. This was beyond heartbreaking for the AANPI community as violence and harassment directed toward Asian Americans were at an all-time high.

In spite of the fear AANPIs continue to face today, our community remains strong in solidarity with others who face senseless violence because of their race and/or gender identities. As we remember the victims of this tragic day, we must recognize that there is much work to be done to address the anti-Asian hate sentiment in this country.

We thank President Biden for his commitment to safety in our communities in his latest executive order, and we implore Congress to pass gun reforms to end the epidemic of gun violence in America.

Join OCA in a day of remembrance as we seek common ground toward our fight for a more safe and inclusive society.

In solidarity,

Thu Nguyen
Executive Director, OCA-Asian Pacific American Advocates

Originally published on March 16, 2023.



OCA-Asian Pacific American Advocates
OCA National Center

OCA-Asian Pacific American Advocates is a national membership-driven organization dedicated to advancing the well-being of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders