What's in the Code For Life Christmas stocking?

Céline Boudier
Ocado Technology
Published in
3 min readDec 21, 2016

It’s nearly Christmas! Santa and Rudolph are ready for you to use your Blockly or Python coding skills and help them deliver presents around the world.

Meanwhile, Phil — a very kind and gentle monster — would like to find Christmas presents for his friends (and Rapid Router characters) Dee, Kirsty, Nigel and Wes. There are only a few days left and Phil has been busy solving the most difficult Rapid Router levels; now, he is hoping his friends will join in. He also found some gifts that would go along great with Rapid Router:

Here is his secret list! (But shh, don’t tell anyone as he wants to keep it a surprise.)

Dee is a nice Mark II Delivibot and, to be honest, she is probably bored of always receiving other robots for Christmas. So this year, why not get her a nice toy to make her understand the very basics of programming? Designed with a younger audience in mind and featuring easy to use blocks, Cubetto looks cool and is made of wood.

Cubetto, https://www.primotoys.com/, £159, ages 3–6.

Kirsty is planning to have her frog army help her rule the world — in the meantime, she might also like turtles. Phil found a robot turtle board game you can play with up to 5 friends. (And that’s very convenient, since that’s also the number of Rapid Router characters.)

Robot Turtle, http://www.robotturtles.com/, £17.23, ages 4+.

Nigel is always up for playful mischief at lunchtime with his friends; he also enjoys reading. Why not help him unwind while also learning useful things thanks to Hello Ruby, a book written by inspiring programmer and writer Linda Liukas?

Hello Ruby, http://shop.helloruby.com/, £11.89, ages 4–8.

Wes graduated from a great foxy school with excellent grades in Crafty and Blockly. He might like to play with some maker boards and maybe use his software skills to create games on the BBC Micro:bit.

BBC Micro:bit, http://microbit.org/, about £12.99, ages 8+.

While you are waiting for Santa and Rudolph to deliver your presents, why not try Rapid Router this holiday season? It is a great way to spend quality time, it’s free for all and lots of fun!



Céline Boudier
Ocado Technology

I'm a software/robotics engineer who likes to write and read, to learn and create.