Boost ad sales with a little help from your friends.

How your audience makes your brand more appealing to eager advertisers

Annali Wallin
3 min readNov 7, 2017


A perfectly delivered ad deserves a round of applause. And deserves some retrospective thinking about why it is captivating. Is it the content? Is it the location? Or is it because it’s relevant? It’s a combination of these. A key factor is the advertiser delivers content to an audience they know. First, advertisers need to find a brand with ad space and a target audience that matches theirs. This means as a brand eager to make ad revenue, it’s time to get to know your audience.

Because it’s all about who is in your circle.

I recently read a post by Justin Ramedia about his experience watching an ad by Purple on Youtube. The ad content was so catchy that he didn’t even want to skip the entertainment. Hey, we’ve all been there. Remember looking back at your man, then back again when this came out?

Along with the catchy content, Purple had directed the ad to an attentive member of their audience. Justin fit their target audience and after having recent back pain was in the market for a mattress. 🍪 Thanks, Google.

Curious about the ad? Here it is.

As Justin points out,

“When a company understands users as well as purple does, it feels like they have earned our trust or buy-in already, even though they are doing fairly traditional advertising.”

Yes 🙌 . Purple was successful with traditional advertising towards the right person. Because Purple knows this… 👇

Your audience is the key to success.

A brand that has identified their target audience like a friend is on the fast track to effective advertising for their product.

The same goes for selling advertising space.

To make the most of available ad space and match with advertisers means you know your audience like a great friend. It also means ad revenue.

If you sell ad space to a brand like Lynk & Co, it is imperative you can deliver details on your audience. Otherwise, Lynk & Co never reaches their target audience and they are left with a weak campaign.

Present your audience clearly, match an advertisers desired target audience and you have yourself the makings of a happy and recurring partner.

The more crystal clear target audience you give, the more effective ad space you sell.

Think from an advertiser’s perspective.

Like any other person, hearing about the .5% of your audience that has an interest in miniature train models is boring 🚋 . Looking to induce yawns? Show that.

If you think I meant 5%, I didn’t. There is a period in front on purpose and that is not a made up examples.

Your audience are your friends. The minuscule percent that has ever reached your site are not your friends, they’re randoms passing by.

So brag about your friends.

I talk up my friends. I like to. I want everyone to be friends with my friends because if they’re not, I feel like they’re missing out. This type of hype is how friend circles grow. Take this basic idea and translate it into promoting your target audience.

Talk up your target audience like a friend to differentiate yourself from the yawn-able and attract other friends, also known as advertisers, to your circle.

So highlight people that impact your brand. Information about audience household income, gender distribution and age are basic but strong points to identify.

Don’t forget their fun side! If you know that 80% of your target audience are annually vacationing abroad to beach weather, 40% are early adopters of innovation, or 30% have a particular extra hobby — talk about it.

If your audience matches advertisers and voilà!

Now you’ve both made a few more friends.

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Annali Wallin

• Freelance marketing/communications • Comm at • PNW grown • Stockholm transplant • Current 📍: nomad | Bellingham, WA