Are you helping or hurting your ad sales?

Confusing advertising pages or PDF media kits often scare off advertisers — here’s how to know if you are doing this too.

Mike Radoor
3 min readFeb 28, 2018


We’ve just entered 2018 and still many advertisers haven’t updated their media kits and advertising pages. Advertisers get lost in the jungle of PDFs, outdated media kits or complicated advertising pages. Which is why the need to be accessible is at an all time high.

Say hello to Ocast, a complete solution for your ad sales. 👋

From 3 years of thorough research, we found most publishers aren’t updating their media information in ways that help advertisers understand their message clearly.

My name is Mike Radoor and I’m the CEO of

Ocast is a B2B SaaS company that provides media publishers with a totally digital media kit — complete with ability to add real-time insights, custom advertising pages and lead generating tools. We offer a platform that enables publishers to simply and intelligently showcase their advertising opportunities to advertisers and agencies.

In the past 3 years, we have spent countless hours through a tireless search to qualify customers for our product.

A qualified Ocast customer is a publisher or media group with:

  • With a need of a scalable media kit package out of their Media information.
  • Outdated PDF media kits
  • Minimal advertising page with little info
  • Multiple PDF documents explaining their media inventory
  • No media kit or advertising page at all 😮
  • A complicated journey to the ad page or confusing to figure out

Our research made it clear that the media industry has a tremendous need for a tool that can help them centralize, simplify and optimize the way they work with their media information and in turn, their ad sales.

Today, more than 1500 publishers use Ocast to ensure their media information is centralized, simple, easily-shareable and organized. Plug & Play.

After 3 years of research and feedback, this is what advertisers think of PDF Media Kits ⬇️

  1. They are way too heavy to download via e-mail clients.
  2. They are always outdated and missing information.
  3. It’s a plain hassle to search through 20+ pages in a PDF to find what they are searching for.
  4. Contact people listed are either wrong e-mails or no longer employed.
  5. They are complicated to navigate.
  6. Last but not least, most media kits don’t contain all the good stuff. They don’t contain all of the products or formats the brand sells. Programmatic is often forgotten, native advertising, social media packages…you name it!

“Even the giants have challenges with their media information. We see large scale media groups contacting us for a helping hand. A proof of need in the best way.”

Now for some nightmare examples of advertising pages and media kits.

We’ve researched the advertising and media industry for years. The chosen examples are picked off the top of our heads because they are marvellous firms and we are huge fans!

Their media kits on the other hand….




TMG Netherlands

Does your media kit or ad page feel similar to one of the above?

Stop hurting your ad sales and start helping.

Let us help you with your future media kit :)

Talk soon. 👋

Mike Radoor

CEO & Co-Founder,


