Elvis on the bucket list! Rain or Shine, The show must go on!

Rosa Montano
Published in
3 min readFeb 7, 2018

Growing up, I would lock myself in my room and blast my Elvis music as loud as possible. My parents must have been tired of listening to the same songs, over and over again. They must have listened to “Hound Dog” and “Blue Suede Shoes” just about 20 times a day, though it was never enough to me. What was so special about this man? Well, yeah, he was very handsome and had a great voice and a whole different style, but why was I really into him? I never got see him in concert, heck, I wasn’t even born yet when he passed away in 1977, but why did everyone love this man? I wanted to know more about him and it may sound silly, but I wanted to know his likes and dislikes and what kind of a person he really was. I went the library and read as much as I could about him. Autobiographies, magazine articles and just about anything with his name on it. Nowadays, I have been fortunate enough to have met some of his family members, lifelong colleagues and friends whom have always spoken highly of him. Yes, even 40 years after his death, he is still loved and remembered by millions. Elvis was just a different kind of human being, a great friend, father, son and humanitarian. Just two weeks ago I helped direct a show in Memphis Tennessee, his hometown. We had a sold out show, but to our luck, snow was in the forecast!

Beale Street

Are you kidding? SNOW! It never snows in Memphis! Even the Memphians will tell you that! Well, it snowed alright. My talent director received a called from the venue asking if we wanted to cancel the show due to the snow, to which she replied no. The show could not be canceled, it was sold out and people from all over the world were going to attend, especially Mrs. Taylor. Mrs. Taylor was our special guest who flew to from Houston to Memphis along with her family. Mrs. Taylor's daughter contacted our Kwick Productions talent director two weeks before the show and said her mother had terminal cancer, that she was trying to fulfill her mother’s “bucket list” as much as possible and seeing an Elvis show was on top of her list. So, let’s make it happen! The day came and even though it snowed and half the attendees showed up, Mrs. Taylor was sitting in the front row ready to see her Elvis Show. As soon as he stepped on stage, her eyes were locked in on him and you could see and feel the excitement in her. For those couple of minutes, Mrs. Taylor’s health problems faded away and at that point, I realized, Elvis meant so much to her as to many people around the world. It may be the music, his voice, his charisma or his image, but to millions of people, Elvis brings back that special enchantment. Even though he is not physically in this world, he continues to be alive in people’s hearts and his legacy continues in the hearts of many. Rain or shine, the show must go on!

Elvis Tribute Artist Ted Torres Martin

