Ghosts, Voodoo and Alligators, Oh My!

Rosa Montano
Published in
3 min readMar 27, 2018

When you think of New Orleans, Luisiana, you might think of jazz, cajun food, crawfish, voodoo and ghost tales. Yep, my first trip to Louisiana was pretty much everything I expected and more.

You know you are in Louisiana when… you can purchase your own “gator head” as a souvenir. These are pretty frightening looking! Not kidding, you can purchase one in almost every gas station. They have different sizes too, but if you are not much of a gator head fan, then you’ll just love the gator claw keychain!

When in New Orleans, ghost venturing is a must! My friends and I decided to book a “Witches and Ghost” night walking tour. The tour was about two hours and it was a great blend of history, witches tales, voodoo and vampire creepiness.

An unexplainable green light appeared during our ghost tour

If we were not shopping or sightseeing , we were eating. Cajon food has so many different flavors. I was obsessed with the jambalaya, the shrimp and of course the famous Cafe Du Monde beignets! Can we just for a second discuss how ridiculously delicious these beignets really were! Cafe Du Monde has been in existence since 1862 and it is located across from Jackson Square. Their beignets are the best ever; warm, crunchy and surprising not too overly sweet considering how much powder sugar they come with. I enjoyed every single bite.

Cafe Du Monde beignets

We walked through Jackson Square, which is near one of the oldest rivers in New Orleans. In this square sits one of the oldest active Roman Catholic Cathedral know as The St. Louis Cathedral. The Cathedral was originally built in 1727 and was dedicated to the King of France, Louis IX. Many years later, due to a fire the church was completely demolished and rebuilt in 1893. The church to this day sits in it’s original spot. In front, a statue of General Andrew Jackson on his horse overlooking all of Jackson Square. It’s a real beauty to see this cathedral in person.

Last, but certainly not least was locating the building Elvis Presley used as his home in the 1958 film, ‘King Creole”. It was such a sight to see and I was beyond myself to actually be there, standing in front of that building. After so many years, the building now a private resident remains intact. It was definitely a trip to cherish and remember for many years to come.

Standing in front of “King Creole” film location

