How to connect your MetaMask to Binance Smart Chain for YouClout’s IDO

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4 min readOct 4, 2021

YouClout IDO tokens will be distributed on the BSC network, similar to the XP.Network IDO.

The funding part of the YouClout IDO will be completed utilizing the standard procedure (in ETH) that has been followed for all previous IDOs hosted on’s platform.

For those who don’t know, the procedure is:

  1. Buy and stake at least 150 OCC,
  2. Pass KYC on the OccamRazer platform,
  3. Register for the IDO via’s platform,
  4. If you’re whitelisted, send ETH to the IDO pool via once the pool is open.

YouClout’s tokens will be distributed on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) network. Binance Smart chain contains the clone address of every Ethereum wallet, which means one will only need to connect the MetaMask wallet with which the user participated in the IDO, to Binance Smart Chain. The addresses are identical. But there’s still some actions you need to take before participating in the IDO. users take note: this step is only necessary to access the tokens that will be issued post-IDO. You do not need to connect your MetaMask with BSC to participate in the IDO itself.

Perform the IDO transaction itself while connected to the Ethereum network — make sure you are not on Binance Smart Chain or any other network other than Ethereum when signing the transaction for the IDO. It is only the token distribution that requires connection to BSC.

You do not need to claim your IDO tokens for YouClout. They will be automatically distributed to your wallet.

Below, we will look at how to set this up for MetaMask users.

How to access Binance Smart chain via MetaMask tutorial

1. Open MetaMask,

2. Click the circle icon in the upper-right hand corner of your wallet, and click ‘settings’.

3. Select ‘Networks’.

4. Select ‘Add Network’

5. Input the Binance Smart Chain parameters,

Input parameters:

Make sure they are correct before proceeding!

6. Save your settings,

7. Your wallet can now receive BSC network tokens.

To view your token balances after distribution, you will need to select the BSC network on your MetaMask wallet settings. Look for the drop-down at the top of your MetaMask interface,

8. Select ‘BSC Mainnet’

Your tokens should appear here, if you have manually added the contract address. The contract address will be available after the IDO is concluded.

That’s it! Once all this is completed, you will have access to your tokens if you participated in the IDO.

CED rewards will also be accessible via this procedure — and not via the normal route on the OccamRazer interface.

  • To view our video tutorial, click here.
  • To open the’s YouClout IDO tab — click here.

To view a video guide to this process, click here.



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The Occam DAO is an interchain DAO-governed incubator leveraging our community and expertise to build, shape and improve DeFi ecosystems.

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