IX.Swap Reveals Upcoming IDO on the OccamRazer Launchpad

Published in
3 min readAug 24, 2021

IX.Swap, one of the world’s first DeFi automated market makers and liquidity pool providers for security tokens and tokenized stocks, will make its debut launch through the OccamRazer decentralized launchpad — the first and only launchpad to be backed by official Cardano entities.

IX.Swap is the last piece of the blockchain infrastructure puzzle that is needed to bring the security token and tokenized stock industry to life on Cardano, following the release of smart contracts through the Alonzo hard fork. With the ultimate goal of becoming the leading liquidity provider for all security token exchanges globally, IX.Swap will finally bridge the gap between centralized finance (CeFi) and decentralized finance (DeFi).

IX.Swap allows security token holders to become liquidity providers, by providing their security tokens into a liquidity pool and receiving a share of the pool fees in return. In turn, this opens an entirely new opportunity for security token holders to earn a passive return on their holdings.

Alice Chen, General Counsel and Co-Founder of IX.Swap, says:

“At IX.Swap, we have a vision of transforming the security token landscape significantly. According to leading banking experts, crypto and digital assets have the potential to replace fiat currencies within the next five years, and we firmly believe that security tokens will represent a similar seismic shift in the securities markets. We’re delighted to be working with OccamRazer, another DeFi innovator and Cardano-backed launchpad, to launch our $IXS initial decentralized offering.”

IX.Swap aims to become the self-styled UniSwap of security tokens, and is planning to launch core components on the Cardano blockchain. It’s token, ticker symbol $IXS, is a deflationary utility and payment token that will reward and boost returns for platform users, enable payments with IX.Swap partners, and introduce on-chain governance capabilities.

Elliot Hill, Head of Communications at Occam.fi, says:

“Through IX.Swap’s upcoming IDO, yet another leader joins the OccamRazer ecosystem. We’re constantly reiterating our commitment to bringing quality projects to the Cardano ecosystem, and we’re excited to work alongside IX.Swap as they transform the security token landscape.”

The IX.Swap IDO will go live on the 8th of September 2021.

Follow IX.Swap’s social media channels to stay up to date with the latest news:

Follow Occam.fi’s social media channels to stay up to date with the latest news:

About IX.Swap: IX.Swap is one of the world’s first DeFi automated market makers and liquidity pool providers for security tokens and tokenized stocks. IX.Swap is the last piece of the blockchain infrastructure puzzle that is needed to bring the security token and tokenized stock industry to life on Cardano, following the release of smart contracts through the Alonzo hard fork. With the ultimate goal of becoming the leading liquidity provider for all security token exchanges globally, IX.Swap will finally bridge the gap between centralized finance (CeFi) and decentralized finance (DeFi). Learn more at www.ixswap.io.

About Occam.fi: The Occam.fi ecosystem is managed and maintained by the Occam Association, a Switzerland-based entity operating from the crypto-friendly Canton of Zug. When the Occam.fi ecosystem grows sufficiently, Occam.fi will be governed and steered by a carefully designed decentralized autonomous organization. Occam.fi is the first decentralized launchpad designed for the Cardano ecosystem, built with expertise and care from a veteran team of blockchain entrepreneurs and professionals. Learn more at www.occam.fi.

