Link Your Cardano Wallet to OccamRazer

Published in
3 min readOct 26, 2021

We are, and always have been, a Cardano launchpad. Although we are still Ethereum-based while we building out our Cardano components, we want to make it easy for projects looking to launch for Cardano to raise funds on OccamRazer and distribute Cardano Native Tokens.

So today, we’re pleased to reveal this functionality. You can now connect any non-custodial Cardano wallet to OccamRazer to receive Cardano Native Tokens from upcoming IDOs that choose to distribute in CNTs.

Examples of wallets supported are CardWallet, Daedalus, and Yoroi. Do not use exchange addresses and custodial addresses — you will NOT receive your funds.

So, let’s look at the three simple steps to connect your Cardano wallet to OccamRazer.

Step 1 — Head to OccamRazer and Connect your MetaMask

Go to and connect your MetaMask wallet with your OCC on stake as normal. You will notice that between the KYC and MetaMask boxes in the top-right hand corner, there’s now an option to ‘Attach ADA Wallet’. Go ahead and click it!

Step 2 — Enter your Cardano Wallet Address

After clicking the ‘Attach ADA Wallet’ button, a lightbox will appear. Here, you’ll see a couple of things:

  1. The address of the MetaMask wallet your Cardano Wallet will be paired with — take a moment to check it’s the right wallet,
  2. A handy video guide from our friends at CardWallet showing you how to generate a Cardano address — check it out here,
  3. A box to enter your Cardano address with an example address,
  4. A disclaimer that you recognise that only non-custodial wallets to which you manage the private keys can be linked using this feature!

Check out the video, double-check your linked MetaMask address, enter your desired Cardano Wallet address, and accept the check box. If you enter a correct Cardano wallet address, the button at the bottom will change to click ‘Sign with MetaMask and attach address’. If you’re ready to proceed, click the button. This doesn’t cost gas.

Step 3 — Success

If you’ve followed all the steps correctly, your Cardano wallet will now be linked to your MetaMask address. Check the screenshot below to see what your OccamRazer interface should look like.

Congratulations, your MetaMask wallet is now linked to your Cardano wallet address!

Now, when you participate in IDOs that distribute tokens as CNTs, you will automatically get tokens distributed to your Cardano Wallet Address!

As our Occelerator partners, we think CardWallet is one of the easiest ways to store and transact Cardano Native Tokens, with an app available for both iOS and Android. Check them out here if you don’t already have the app!

And that’s all there is to it! Stay tuned for more Occam innovations, including our OCX distribution dashboard, soon.

