Nezha, the Liquidity Engine for Next-Gen Prediction Markets, to launch on OccamRazer

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3 min readDec 14, 2021

ZUG, Dec. 14, 2021 Nezha, a new blockchain-based liquidity engine designed to power the next generation of prediction markets, will soon make its IDO debut on the OccamRazer decentralized launchpad through the launch of the $NEZ token.

Prediction markets offer users the opportunity to trade contracts that pay out based on the outcomes of unknown future events. Offering optimized yield generation for DeFi protocols, Nezha utilizes smart yield routing to create an elevated return and then distributes these returns across prediction market outcomes.

As opposed to traditional prediction markets, players using Nezha only forfeit the return generated on their liquidity, i.e. staking or liquidity mining rewards, but not on the liquidity itself should a prediction not go in their favour — turning a zero sum game to a positive sum game using staking rewards.

Nezha will begin its launch with two revolutionary prediction market games, with more products already in the development pipeline. These include the Nezha Prediction Draw, with Nezha Spins in the pipeline for Q3 2022.

Ivan Gowan, Strategic Advisor at Nezha, says:

“Unlike traditional gaming, we’re enabling players to access prediction markets using only staking and liquidity mining rewards while preserving their original capital. This represents a step-change in the prediction markets industry which could have far-reaching ripple effects across the gaming industry as a whole, changing the way that players budget and win, and injecting much needed transparency to the prediction markets space”

Through staking $NEZ tokens, users receive access to premium tiers, guaranteed bonus tickets, and access to cast out fee redistributions from pools. Nezha will initially launch on Solana before also rolling-out to Cardano to tap into the Cardano blockchain’s huge potential liquidity.

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About Nezha: Nezha is building the infrastructure to power a new type of prediction market where players wager their staking rewards, but not their provided liquidity itself, for a chance to win big! The Nezha Protocol is managed by the Nezha Association, a collective of Crypto Natives and Technology Veterans based out of Baar, Switzerland. Nezha is working towards becoming a fully decentralised autonomous organisation in which its members are in control. Be part of the journey and stake to win as Nezha is powering the transition from high stakes to staking. Learn more at:

About The ecosystem is managed and maintained by the Occam Association, a Switzerland-based entity operating from the crypto-friendly Canton of Zug. When the ecosystem grows sufficiently, will be governed and steered by a carefully designed decentralized autonomous organization. is the first decentralized launchpad designed for the Cardano ecosystem, built with expertise and care from a veteran team of blockchain entrepreneurs and professionals. Learn more at

