OCC Tokenomics and Utility

Published in
6 min readApr 11, 2021

The time draws near. We will soon be releasing the first version of our decentralised launchpad platform, OccamRazer. To support OccamRazer and the wider Occam.fi ecosystem, we are also launching the OCC token.

We know that the launch of OCC is a highly anticipated event. But what is the OCC token? What role will it play in our ecosystem? Here we examine OCC’s tokenomics, and the benefits OCC will offer its token holders.

What is the Purpose of the OCC Token?

The OCC token is a multi-faceted digital asset, which will enable and empower a multitude of use cases within the Occam.fi ecosystem. This includes our OccamRazer decentralised launchpad, and in the future OCC will play a critical role in our other components such as OccamX, the OccamDAO, and more.

We will constantly update our tokenomics as new use cases and functionality emerge. Let’s explore the features that OCC will have at launch, and what we’ve developed so far.

1. Access to Liquidity Mining Pools

OCC holders will be able to participate in liquidity mining through OccamRazer pools. Liquidity mining is one of the core components of a thriving DeFi ecosystem and we expect Occam.fi’s liquidity mining feature to be one of the principal attractions to our ecosystem for both pool originators and investors.

Liquidity mining helps inject funds into protocols, catalyses community engagement benefits, and provides economic incentives to every participant.

In turn, this will help to provide the maximum liquidity and raising potential for projects using our launchpad solution, while also rewarding liquidity mining participants with our OCC token, without the need for them to previously hold the token itself. These regular rewards of OCC tokens will reward liquidity mining participants on a pro-rata basis.

2. Access to Private Liquidity Pools

Staked OCC tokens will enable access to private OccamRazer pools.

Providing access to a private pool feature is motivated by the general trend of launchpad pools being highly oversubscribed. Access to private pools is limited to members who have a minimum number of OCC staked, thus making these pools only accessible to the Occam.fi community.

Pool originators can increase the amount required to access a private pool, but in absence of such an increase, the default amount will be around US$1,000 OCC equivalent. The ‘privateness’ of pool access is set by pool originators, and it’s entirely up to originators to choose a private or public pool setup.

Liquidity provider status in private pools, and the higher liquidity mining rewards that accompany it, can be accessed only through the OCC token.

3. OccamDAO investments — Continuous Ecosystem Diversification

Up to 12,000,000 OCC tokens (or around 12% of the total supply) will be allocated to the OccamDAO Investment Pool. OccamDAO is our decentralised governance layer that will be used to create a self-sustaining ecosystem for the Occam.fi platform overtime.

OccamRazer will have several levels of project approval status to reflect the quality of projects launching through OccamRazer. The OccamDAO Investment Pool tokens will be used to make investments in projects launching through the OccamRazer launchpad, which attain verified or ProjectX status. In other words, only the projects that have gone through extensive due diligence procedures will be eligible for such an investment.

Once a project reaches a sufficient level of verification or attains ProjectX status, OccamDAO will purchase a portion of the project’s available market cap, in their tokens, from the OccamRazer launchpad. The OccamDAO will then reward the purchased tokens across all OCC stakers who have at least US$2,000 worth of OCC tokens staked at a pro-rata basis.

In other words, through this mechanism, OCC stakers are actually guaranteed to have an allocation in any high quality project that raises funds through the OccamRazer platform. There are no lottery economics, and no gambling — only smart tokenomics design in this feature.

When OccamDAO allocations are distributed, the tokens will be vested in the contract to be claimed by the OCC staker’s wallet. It is then up to the staker whether he or she claims these tokens or not. Each staker is free not to redeem their token rewards, and there is no redemption time limit. Therefore, stakers can wait and see if tokens have increased in value before they redeem them, therefore avoiding paying a transaction fee until such time that it becomes worthwhile.

This feature alone, unique to Occam.fi, will open a cascade of reward-generating opportunities for both OCC token holders, pool originators, and other ecosystem participants — ensuring Occam.fi becomes a thriving, self-sustaining, and prosperous ecosystem.

4. Pool origination

Projects may apply for verified status from the OccamDAO. This approves a project and moves it to verified or partially verified, or alternatively, for the leading projects, bestows ProjectX status.

This enables such projects to become eligible for investment by the OccamDAO. There will be a fee for applying for verification in OCC tokens that are sent to the OccamDAO, providing an immediate feedback loop with the OccamDAO investments into ProjectX projects.

Again, this provides benefits to both OCC token holders, launchpad projects, and the entire Occam.fi ecosystem. We will expand on the pool origination economics in a separate article.

5. Cast Out Tokenomics

Stake pool participants who unstake their OCC tokens incur a small fee (edit- this was originally proposed at ~0.60%, however after reviewing our cast out economics and consulting with our community via Telegram, we propose to raise this, to increase rewards to long-term staking participants).

This fee not only incentivises long-term participation in stakepools, but this fee is distributed to the other stakers who remain in the pool. This creates a staking economy to support the longevity of the Occam.fi ecosystem.

Which Blockchain is OCC Issued On?

OCC will first be launched for trading as an ERC-20 token. However, Occam.fi’s ultimate goal is to enable the vision of the Cardano ecosystem to surpass other blockchains to become the leading DApp and DeFi ecosystem, and a key to this will be to move liquidity from other blockchain’s to Cardano.

To meet this goal, we have also issued the equivalent number of tokens on the Cardano blockchain as native assets, which will eventually be available to token holders for all the same capabilities as their ERC-20 equivalent. You can view our OCC Cardano native tokens here.

We feel it is important to issue OCC simultaneously as a Cardano native token, ensuring cross-chain fungibility through our tailor-made Ethereum to Cardano liquidity bridge as we move forward. You can refer to our FAQ for token distribution, vesting, cliffs, and our token rounds.

Concluding Remarks

So, as you can see, we have a lot planned for the OCC token from launch!

But, let’s also discover some of the guiding principles behind OCC and our ecosystem as a whole. As a conclusion to this piece, we would like to lay down some of the philosophy Occam.fi has been guided by when developing the tokenomics and core USPs of the OccamRazer platform:

  1. Fair Participation and Inclusivity: We want to extend these principles to all members of the Occam community. That’s why our continuous ecosystem diversification principle is more than a feature of our token design — it’s a guiding principle behind the entire OccamRazer platform. We have no need for gamble-like token economics, and no unfair ‘guaranteed participation’ fees on our core platform. We want the entire Cardano community and beyond to benefit from the projects we host, and these benefits should be fairly distributed among Occam.fi participants;
  2. Technology first: The tokenomics of OccamRazer and OCC will contain many more features than what we have discussed in this article. In our blog posts, we announce only the features that are either in the last stages of testing, or are production ready — without fluff or marketing hype. But do stay tuned, because there is much more to follow;
  3. Live cross-chain capabilities: All of our features are going to be available on both the Ethereum and Cardano blockchains, as per our roadmap.

We will shortly announce the details of another key OccamRazer feature built for smoothening token distribution of projects raising funds through OccamRazer, bringing us closer to our ideals of fair community distribution. This feature will be called ‘AutoInvest’, and we look forward to sharing more details with you in due course.

The OCC token will soon be made available to the public. The details will be announced shortly. Make sure you follow our social media channels to stay up to date with the latest news from the Occam.fi ecosystem!

Follow Occam.fi’s social media channels below to keep up to date with the latest news:

About Occam.fi: The Occam.fi ecosystem is managed and maintained by the Occam Association, a Switzerland-based entity operating from the crypto-friendly Canton of Zug. When the Occam.fi ecosystem grows sufficiently large, Occam.fi will be governed and steered by a carefully designed decentralised autonomous organisation.

Occam.fi is the first decentralised launchpad designed for the Cardano ecosystem, built with expertise and care from a veteran team of blockchain entrepreneurs and professionals. Learn more on www.occam.fi.

