The Evolution of $CHAKRA to Version 2: An In-depth Look

Published in
4 min readFeb 27, 2024

OccamDAO is excited to announce a major milestone in our project’s journey — the upgrade of $CHAKRA to its second version ($CHAKRA v2), initiated through a new smart contract: 0x76B2ab696D0Ee8EE65bbcEBB2C5B007169145d45. This upgrade represents a leap forward in enhancing our ecosystem and delivering increased value to our community members.

Key Updates Explained

  • Deprecation of $CHAKRA v1: In our commitment to progress, $CHAKRA v1 has been deprecated. The transition to $CHAKRA v2 is a strategic move to meet the community expectations, ensuring our project stays at the forefront of technology and community benefits.
  • Reward Distribution Update: $CHAKRA v2 introduces a refined reward distribution mechanism, maintaining real-time calculations in a double-root manner based on the total stake. A significant update is the new claiming schedule, with rewards now becoming claimable every Monday (starting from Mar 4th. So, rewards are accruing throughout the week (the new ones visible as “Pending”) and they add up every Monday to the “Available for claiming” pool. You can redeem them anytime you want. “Pending” and “Available for claiming” rewards will remain unchanged even if you decide to unstake at some point.
  • Separation of Claiming Processes: In a move to enhance clarity and efficiency, the claiming processes for $CHAKRA and $OCC have been separated, with $CHAKRA rewards now claimable on the BNB Chain (BNB, ex. BSC), highlighting our approach towards embracing multi-chain interoperability and optimizing costs for our supporters. So, in order to claim your earned $OCC tokens, visit the “Staking” page at In order to claim $CHAKRA, you should head to “Claiming portal” at

Understanding $CHAKRA: Beyond a Token

$CHAKRA is not just any token; it’s an index basket token incorporating numerous projects partnered with OccamDAO. It’s designed to encapsulate the essence of collaboration within the blockchain space, offering a unique opportunity for investors to engage with a diversified portfolio of projects. The evolution to $CHAKRA v2 opens new avenues for trading on decentralized exchanges (DEXes) and redeeming underlying assets, underscoring its versatility and potential as a cornerstone asset in the DeFi ecosystem.

The Multi-Chain Approach

Originally minted on Ethereum (CHAKRA smart contract — 0x76B2ab696D0Ee8EE65bbcEBB2C5B007169145d45) and bridged to BSC through, $CHAKRA’s journey reflects our project’s dynamic nature and adaptability. The BSC $CHAKRA contract address (0x0e8288939Da704123eF09D7c55f39c6834D0b63D) stands as a testament to our commitment to multi-chain functionality and inclusivity, with the comfort of our supporters as the highest value.


Do I have to swap my $CHAKRA v1 or do I need to claim the old token?

If you’ve claimed $CHAKRA v1 or have unclaimed $CHAKRA v1, there’s no need for any direct swap/exchange process. Simply head to the claiming terminal to claim your $CHAKRA v2 in full numbers. This process has been designed to ensure all users receive their correct amounts since the launch of OccamRazer, factoring in all contributions and stakes.

I had unclaimed $CHAKRA v1, are they lost?

As explained above, $CHAKRA v2 amount has been counted from scratch since the launch of OccamRazer staking and includes OG airdrop distribution.

I purchased $CHAKRA v1 on Uniswap — what now?

For users who purchased $CHAKRA v1 on Uniswap, a special consideration has been made. Buyers eligible for a refund will not be left behind and these users will receive an airdrop to compensate for their purchase, aligning with our commitment to fairness and community support.

I have sold my $CHAKRA v1, am I still eligible for rewards?

If you sold your $CHAKRA v1, rest assured, your eligibility for $CHAKRA v2 is not diminished. The transition to $CHAKRA v2 focuses on equitable distribution based on the historical engagement and contribution of our community members, including the OG Rewards part.

I have $OCC on the SwissBorg app, am I eligible for $CHAKRA rewards?

If you hold $OCC long enough you also qualify for the OG rewards airdrop distribution. Check your wallet on the app to find out!

Closing Thoughts

The upgrade to $CHAKRA v2 is more than just a technical enhancement; it’s a reflection of OccamDAO’s dedication to its community, innovation, and the broader vision of a decentralized and collaborative future. We extend our deepest gratitude to our community for your unwavering support and enthusiasm.

As we continue on this exciting journey, stay tuned for more updates. Together, we are setting the stage for a future where blockchain’s potential is fully realized, and every community member reaps the benefits of our collective success.

