The OccamX $OCX Distribution Dashboard Goes Live!

Published in
2 min readNov 1, 2021

OccamX, one of the first decentralized exchanges (DEXs) to launch for the Cardano ecosystem, moves another step closer to launch today with the release of its ADA staking and $OCX distribution dashboard!

OCX is a DEX token designed for the upcoming OccamX Cardano decentralized exchange. It will play a pivotal role in the OccamX ecosystem, allowing for liquidity provision, reward distribution, reduced fees for OccamX users, and much more.

Together with staking and liquidity provision for the $OCC OccamRazer ecosystem utility token, delegating ADA to’s stake pool is one of a few ways to start accumulating future $OCX distribution today.

The newly released OCX distribution dashboard shows the current amount of OCX allocated across all ADA delegators, the total amount of ADA delegated to the pool, the OCX remaining to be allocated, the total number of delegators, and more. Currently, there is one live stake pool with the ticker symbol ‘pOCC’, but more pools will come onboard as delegation increases and pool saturation is reached.

OCX cannot be purchased in a presale or IDO, but can only be accrued through four key mechanisms — all of which support the and Cardano ecosystems.

These include staking OCC here, staking OCC/ETH liquidity tokens received for Uniswap liquidity mining here, delegating ADA to our Cardano stake pool here, or holding OCC as a Cardano native token (OCC-ADA). Read more about these distribution mechanisms here.

Using the dashboard, users can calculate their estimated total OCX distribution given their provided ADA stake, the current number of staking participants in the pool, and the distribution time remaining.

The calculator figure given assumes that delegators will remain staked until the rewards phase ends on Cardano epoch 361 — a 365-day distribution period that began on 09/13/2021, so there’s still plenty of time left to delegate!

ADA delegates can join the pOCC stake pool to begin accumulating OCX rewards here.

OccamX recently released a DEX demo showing its solution for the Cardano concurrency problem, which can be watched here. Backed by official Cardano entities IOHK (through the cFund) and EMURGO, OccamX promises to be one of the most feature-rich DEX ecosystems for Cardano. Don’t forget to follow’s social media channels to stay up to date with the latest news:

