The Stake-Time Continuum — More Information on OCX Distribution

Published in
4 min readSep 17, 2021

OCX will begin distributing shortly after the OccamX mainnet launch, learn more about distribution here

Last week, we revealed details on the OCX token, and how it would function within the OccamX DEX ecosystem. The release generated a lot of excitement, and also a lot of further questions about OCX’s exact distribution mechanisms.

You had plenty of great feedback for us, and, as we always do, we have been listening carefully. This short update will provide a bit more insight into how we are going to distribute OCX, the highest yielding ways to acquire OCX, and also our plans to reward our community with more OCX than we originally planned.

The OccamX DEX is almost here. Follow OccamX on Twitter to stay up to date with the latest news.

Let’s go! 🚀

One Does Not Simply ‘Buy’ $OCX

Firstly, like we said in our last article, one does not simply buy OCX tokens. If you don’t believe us, at least take Boromir’s word for it. Instead, you have to contribute to our ecosystem. But, we’ve expanded the definitions of what it means to ‘contribute’.

We’ve already shared that there’s three different ways to contribute in order to receive OCX. But now, in addition to all the ways detailed in our original article, we’re also making $OCX distribution available to OCC-ADA holders — those early adopters of our bridge infrastructure who chose to hold OCC as a Cardano Native Token. All contribution methods to receive OCX includes:

  1. Stake OCC here:,
  2. Stake OCC/ETH liquidity tokens, received for Uniswap liquidity mining here,
  3. Stake ADA to our Cardano Stake Pool, now live here,
  4. Hold OCC-ADA, You can purchase OCC-ADA on Bitrue exchange here.

Besides, you shouldn’t miss out because you decided to hold your OCC on the leading blockchain of the future.

This makes the OCX distribution 30% for the community, and 20% to be held by the Occam team and 50% for future use in the OccamX ecosystem. This means that comparatively, more OCX will be distributed to OCC holders than there is OCC currently in circulation.

What will be the highest-yielding way to get OCX?

So you have to contribute, but not all OCX distribution mechanisms are created equally. Some contributions and actions will yield more OCX per OCC used than others.

For those who provide liquidity to our OCC/ETH pool on UniSwap, by staking liquidity tokens through the OccamRazer interface, the rewards in $OCX will represent at least three times greater leverage per OCC used than other methods.

This is a reflection of the requirement to provide tokens to both sides of the liquidity pool, locking liquidity provider’s capital and carrying some risk of impermanent loss. Therefore, providing liquidity will be the most significant way of increasing your OCX distribution. So if you’re looking to maximise yields, this is the route you’re most likely to take.

The earlier you stake, provide liquidity, or hold OCC-ADA, the more OCX you will receive. This is because it is both time and volume weighted, meaning that in addition to how much OCC you stake, hold, or provide liquidity with, the amount of time you do so is also important.

The Stake-Time Continuum

Finally, we’ve seen a lot of questions around those who have staked, and then removed their OCC from staking, or staked again at a later date for a certain duration of time. Let’s call it the stake-time continuum. Don’t worry though, you’re not going to need a physics degree for this one.

If you’ve staked OCC or provided liquidity at any time, you’re eligible to receive some OCX. You will receive OCX distribution relative to the total time and total amount you staked or provided liquidity. It’s that simple. However, it’s worth remembering that this initial distribution phase is limited, and those who staked for longer will eat into your cut.

So, naturally, we would encourage you to stake long-term as your distribution will be greater, but even if you have removed your OCC from stake at any point you will still be eligible for a distribution of OCX.

Want to learn more? Read our recent technical update here.

