Welcome to the Occam.fi Multiverse — First Breath

Published in
3 min readApr 11, 2021

We are excited to launch our first ever Community Campaign. Meet ‘Welcome to the Multiverse: First Breath’, the campaign for our early community members. Register here.

There is a lot of fun and some great rewards for the winners. Let’s get a closer look.

The campaign has 3 challenges:

  • Creatives challenge
  • Quiz challenge
  • Telegram stickers competition challenge

Each challenge is run independently, and you can take part in each of them!

Creatives challenge

Objective: Create and submit a graphic about Cardano or Occam.fi.

We would love to see:

  • Comparisons between Cardano and Ethereum,
  • Occam explained in one picture,
  • Cardano’s strong points vs. other chains,

We are looking for infographics, art, mascots, and even memes! We won’t limit you in your imagination and you are welcome to submit anything you like (as long as it is non-offensive and safe for work — SFW).

The rules are simple:

  • Your work should be original,
  • Post it to our Telegram chat,
  • Submit it into our Google Form

Submissions close on 16 April 11:59 PM UTC. We will carefully evaluate all the submissions and reward 10 submissions with $400 in OCC tokens. Please note — multiple submissions are welcome, however one participant can only win once in the challenge!

Quiz Challenge

This challenge is a little different. Be the first one to correctly answer an open question posted in our Telegram — and receive 10 XP points!

The XP leaderboard will be available here. The Top 3 participants in the leaderboard will receive $200 in OCC each — and we will also have a draw between all participants who scored at least 20 XP points — 5 lucky winners will receive $100 in OCC!

The quiz questions will appear in the chat at random time starting from now until April 16 11:59 PM UTC. There will be 50 questions in total.

Telegram Sticker Challenge

Feeling creative? Create a unique sticker pack for the Occam.fi Telegram chat — and get a chance to win $400 in OCC.

The rules are simple:

  • Stickers must be SFW, non-offensive and there has to be at least 5 stickers in the pack,
  • Post your stickers in the chat,
  • Submit link to the sticker pack to our Google Form

Submissions close on 16 April 11:59 PM UTC. We will carefully evaluate all the submissions and reward 3 submissions with $400 in OCC tokens. Please note — multiple submissions are welcome, however one participant can only win once in the challenge!

Remember, to participate in any of the challenges, you must fill out the registration form here.

Good luck — and see you in the competition!

Follow Occam.fi’s social media channels below to keep up to date with the latest news:

About Occam.fi: The Occam.fi ecosystem is managed and maintained by the Occam Association, a Switzerland-based entity operating from the crypto-friendly Canton of Zug. When the Occam.fi ecosystem grows sufficiently large, Occam.fi will be governed and steered by a carefully designed decentralised autonomous organisation.

Occam.fi is the first decentralised launchpad designed for the Cardano ecosystem, built with expertise and care from a veteran team of blockchain entrepreneurs and professionals. Learn more on www.occam.fi.

