YouClout Participation Resolution

Published in
2 min readDec 8, 2021

Hello OccamRazer community. A few weeks ago, during the YouClout IDO, we experienced an issue which resulted in users who had otherwise guaranteed participation not being able to buy tokens during YouClout’s IDO.

We have been working hard on a satisfactory response to this issue, and we are now pleased to share our proposed resolution to this issue. We also briefly discuss our upcoming expansion into the Binance ecosystem, where users who receive the YouClout $OCC reimbursement will be among the first participants.

Reimbursement in OCC on the BSC Network

For all those who should have had guaranteed allocation but didn’t get in, we will reimburse 50% of your missed allocation amount in $OCC tokens. These tokens will be distributed on Binance Smart Chain (BSC), once we have deployed our staking smart contracts there — this is currently in progress.

The reimbursement will be based on the $OCC price and $ETH price (for allocation amounts) at the time of the YouClout IDO.

Users will find these tokens on their BSC-network stake balance, which will be cumulative with OCC on users ETH staking balance. Tokens staked on either network will go towards participation thresholds, for example to enter a certain tier.

This is part of our wider focus on bringing certain critical components to BSC ahead of our development for Cardano, to make participation, staking rewards, and claim functions more cost effective for our community. Migration to Cardano is still one of our top priorities.

Exploring Opportunities within the Binance Ecosystem

We are also exploring other ways that the $OCC token, issued as a BSC-based token, can find liquidity within the Binance ecosystem, including exploring trading opportunities. Users who receive BSC-based $OCC as a rebate for the YouClout allocation issue will be among the first to have their tokens staked on BSC.

Thank you for your patience while we decided on this course of action and we look forward to revealing more information about our increased focus on BSC-based and Binance ecosystem components shortly.

