Application Development Process

Md Munir Hossain
Oceanize Lab Geeks
Published in
2 min readAug 30, 2017


Application developement is a very common thing now a days,but the process of development is not easy.I am not talking about development skill,I am talking about what is the process of building a successfull application for both client and developers.Now a days scrum is the hot cake.I am not sharing scrum process,i am sharing my experience what process i have followed and got very good responses from client,cause client satisfaction is very important as well as users.Here are the steps of application development:

Step 1: Brain Dump ~ 1 Week
The most important part. This is clients opportunity to provide
all of your screen designs, spreadsheets, reports, ideas and
notes. Developers will record all of our conversations so that the client
won’t have to repeat!
Step 2: YOU Get Specific ~ 3 Weeks
This 2nd phase of Design is rigorous and highly specific.
This is the time for writing, not talking, and definitely not the
time for introducing new ideas or concepts. All focus is on
detailing with Design Document.
Step 3: Client Relax while Developers work! ~ 1 Week
Developers will begin development of the core components of
user interface.
Step 4: Client Provide UI Feedback ~ 1 Week
“Swap first and last name on this page. Use this color
background.” This is the fun part! This is client’s chance to give
very specific feedback focused on User Interface.
Step 5: Client Relax while Developers work! ~ 3 Weeks(Depends on the workload)
Developers will complete the development of the application,
exactly as detailed in the Design Document.
Step 6: QA will test for Blockers! ~ 1 Week
QA will test every feature in the Design Document,
remediate any blockers, and certify them as fixed.
Step 7: Client test for Bugs! ~ 3 Weeks
During Testing Rounds of Revision, client will submit
whatever bugs he/she find. This is a very tedious but necessary
last step. Developers will resolve all in-scope bugs after you
have completed your submission.

This is a summary of the process,This is not an static thing,it is better to be dynamic,any one can add extra steps or reduce one or two steps according to their needs.

