Md. Abdullah Al Mahmud Khan
Oceanize Lab Geeks
Published in
3 min readApr 30, 2019


Setting up Mailtrap for Email testing

Mailtrap is a fake SMTP server for testing emails sent from the development and staging environments without spamming real customers or flooding your own and team members inboxes. It is designed to catch your test emails. Mailtrap emulates the process of sending, so we won’t deliver your emails to a real user. We just keep them for you to test and optimize your HTML email campaigns.

In this post we will share how to set up your account, easy and fast, as well as guide you through the testing process.

To create an account, visit

You can sign up throw Gmail account, GitHub account or providing email and password. Once you’ve logged in to your account, you will get to the home page:

Open your inbox: click on the Demo Inbox. Here you will see SMTP credentials.

You can also use one of the popular framework config: CakePHP, Ruby on Rails, Symfony, Zend Framework, Django, JBoss, etc.

Choose your preferred option to see an example of how to integrate Mailtrap into your application:

Configure your development environment with appropriate Mailtrap settings and send your first test message. Go to your inbox and see your first message that sent your application.

Mailtrap offers multiple helpful options for email content verification and debugging.

HTML tab demonstrates how your message might look in the recipient’s mail client.

HTML Source tab provides you with the HTML markup

Text tab shows the plain text of your message.

Raw tab you can review the raw email data, as received from the SMTP relay. If the raw data exceeds 300 KB, you will be given the option to download it as .eml file.

Analysis is another important and highly demanded feature. In this tab Mailtrap offers spam check results and provides recommendations on how to decrease spam score, if any issues were found. same tab you will also find a Blacklists Report: Mailtrap checks whether your IP or domain has been listed in any of the commonly used blacklists. It shows resources which have been queried.

Check HTML tab to find a list of HTML/CSS properties, which might cause issues with rendering your message in specific email clients.


Thank you very much for reading. Hope help this post.

