Video games promotes violence among people

Lemon Kazi
Oceanize Lab Geeks
Published in
2 min readJan 30, 2018


Playing violent video game making us aggressive


♦ To identify reason behind aggressive behavior.

♦ To express the information through argument.

♦ To identify the improvement by providing suggestions.

I strongly believe that video games promotes violence among children as many games are making children aggressive and train youth to be killers.

Making children Aggressive

>> 97% of 12–17 year olds in the US played video games.

>> Video games often reward players for simulating violence.

Train youth to be killers

  1. Desensitize players to real-life violence.
  2. Teach youth that violence is an acceptable conflict-solving strategy
  3. They become confuse about fantasy violence with real world violence


  1. Reduce violence by providing a safe environment for aggressive and angry feelings.
  2. A short-term increase in aggression does not mean a child is going to leave house and commit a violent act.
  3. They are able to distinguish between fantasy and reality.
  4. Prevents them from emulating video game violence in real life.


  1. Psychologists aren’t sure, but many are convinced there’s a link.

2. not able to distinguish between fantasy and reality.

3. Youth are not trusting others and taking violent self-protective.


  1. Children should not practice mature-rated games.
  2. US Supreme Court ruled for banning the sale of violent video games.



