5 Quick Tips for Pipenv

These simple tricks will make you look like a Pipenv pro

Andrew Scott
Ochrona Security


Based on photo by Adrian Swancar on Unsplash

I used to love Pipenv, but these days with some uncertainty around the direction and upkeep of the project my feelings are a little less clear. Nonetheless, I still use Pipenv daily for a variety of production-ready services and libraries. All of the tips in this list can be found if you dig deep into the documentation, but with the regularity that they come up, it can be handy to have a cheat sheet.

Installing from local wheel

Installing directly from a wheel file can be super helpful in situations where you have a library that isn’t available through the normal package repositories or need to do an offline install.

The command to install directly from a wheel file is actually just the same as installing any package, you just need to provide a local path pipenv install <file_path>.

Installing from Github

Similar to the last tip, if you find yourself with a package that hasn’t been published to Github but does have a setup.py, you can always install directly from Github (or other online repositories). You can also use this trick for installing directly from a feature branch, which can be a lot easier for ad-how testing.



Andrew Scott
Ochrona Security

Maintainer @OchronaSec | PANW, ex Expanse, ex Tenable | Security & Automation | All views are my own... and awesome