It’s Time To Figure Out Your Brand Strategy

Jodi Ochstein
Ochstein Strategies
2 min readApr 9, 2019

Your clients are out there, but they don’t know where to find you.

It’s time you sat down and really thought about developing your brand and creating a strategy to let your clients know that you’re open for business.

So, where do you start? Well, let’s define your brand. Your brand is how your audience perceives you — it’s the face of your business. Without a comprehensive, well-defined brand identity, your audience might not understand who you are. You need to make a personal connection with your potential clients.

Think about why your company or organization exists. What is it that you are offering that your customers can’t live without? Remember why you started your business in the first place. You have something to offer the world. Let’s hear about it.

Let your customers know that you have an answer to their questions, a solution for their problems, or service that will make their lives easier. They are searching, help them find you.

Your brand strategy can be distilled into five simple elements:

  1. Definition — Brand Definition is what makes your product or service unique. It’s that special feature that your competitors don’t have. Define that and you are half-way there.
  2. Personal Connection — What is it about your brand that resonates with your customers? This is the reason you started your company. It’s that niche that you created when you saw a need that wasn’t being met.
  3. Solutions — This is pretty obvious, but it cannot be stated enough. Declare in no uncertain terms what you can do for your customers.
  4. Distinctive Voice — What sets you apart from the competition? Why is your product or service better or smarter or more/less expensive than your competitors?
  5. Trust Trust is the most important element you can offer your clients and customers. Trust is what brings you repeat business, referrals, and investors. Your integrity and strength of character is the essence of your brand. Let it shine through.

Take some time to figure out your brand strategy or find a professional who can help you. Once you’ve defined your strategy, you can develop your marketing plan accordingly. Every investment you make in your company will reap rewards and help you to crystallize your vision.

Ochstein Strategies has been helping clients define and develop their brands since 2010.



Jodi Ochstein
Ochstein Strategies

Food Writer. Political Commentator. Network Builder. Public Relations, Brand and Web Developer at