Six Things You Need To Know When You’re Working From Home.

Jodi Ochstein
Ochstein Strategies
2 min readMar 16, 2020

Fears of contracting or spreading COVID-19, the Coronavirus, have many of us working from home. This can be challenging for some who are used to structure and collaboration of an office environment.

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

Don’t Work in Your Pajamas

It sounds obvious, but it’s easy to slip into the habit of just rolling out of bed and jumping on the computer.

Get ready for work just as if you’re working in an office. Take time to wake up, maybe workout and mentally prepare yourself to get to your home office with a clear head and focused on getting things done.

Create a Work Space

If possible, don’t use the dining room table. Try to have a dedicated home office space in your home, some place quiet and free from distractions. Be sure you have an electrical outlet, good lighting, and anything else you need so that you can focus on work.

Develop a Routine

Set incremental goals and hold yourself accountable. If you allow yourself to procrastinate, your day will slip away and you won’t have anything to show for it.

To avoid falling into a procrastination loop, it’s important to make sure your day has structure even while working from home. Set a routine to stay on task throughout the day.

Keep a Task List

A task list can help keep you on schedule. There’s nothing more satisfying than crossing things off a list. You can also add time-sensitive tasks to your calendar.

Keep in Touch

Isolation can be a downside when working from home. Use collaborative software such as Slack, Basecamp, GoToMeeting, Google Hangouts, Zoom, and Skype to stay connected with colleagues and clients.

Draw Distinctive Boundaries

Without a structured work environment, it’s easy to find yourself working at all hours. Create a schedule for yourself that allows you to finish your tasks within the hours of a normal work day.



Jodi Ochstein
Ochstein Strategies

Food Writer. Political Commentator. Network Builder. Public Relations, Brand and Web Developer at